Tuesday, December 20, 2016

December 20, 2016 Tuesday #furnacerepair#Joy!#WhiteChristmas#Grimm#celebrate!

Get Fit
Did some aerobics and weights with the WW girls and then the furnace guy came and he was a (little) out of shape so I had to climb up and open the ceiling for him to shine his light in the attic at my pipe that has water running down. Good thing I am in shape to climb and lift ceiling boards.

Get Faith
John 16:16-24  Grief will turn to joy.  Jesus tells his disciples that they will not see Him for a while and then they will see him again.  They didn't understand, so, don't feel bad if you  don't either.  He was referring to his dying on the cross and then being risen to life again.  THEN, he will come back on the day of resurrection for His followers.  That joy is what Christians carry with them everyday and share with everyone they meet.  If people ask you what makes you so happy - tell them He will come back - that baby born to us, that brought joy on our Christmas, will be back for us. Joy to the world.

On this day
2009  - Mom and I went to Bible Study and then to the 11:00 service at church.  The children were doing their Christmas program and Nicole was playing the music for the program on her guitar.  The kids have always been drawn to Nicole, her happy spirit and enthusiasm has always made her a great pied piper.  A good thing at church these days.  It also said I shoveled a couple times so there must have been snow.  Looks like we will have a white Christmas, how do you like that?

1812 - Grimms Fairy Tales was published - great classic book gift, but a little "grim".

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

 Christmas in Zimbabwe 

For most people in Zimbabwe, Christmas day starts with a Church service. After the Church service, everyone has a party in their homes and people go from house to house, visiting all of their family and friends on the way home! Sometimes, this can take all of the rest of the day! At every house you have something to eat, exchange presents and enjoy the party.
A lot of people get their biggest stereo speakers out and put them out side the front of the house and play their favorite music very loudly! It is not only Christmas music that is played, but also the latest pop tunes and old African favorites.
Everyone wears their best clothes for Christmas, as for some families the only new clothes they get every year are for Christmas. The parties are a good place to show off their new clothes.
Children in Zimbabwe believe that Santa Claus brings them there presents early on Christmas Day, ready to show their friends at Church and at the parties.
Only the main room in the house is often decorated in Zimbabwe. Some Zimbabweans have a traditional 'European' Christmas Tree, but they decorate the room with plants like Ivy. This is draped around the whole of the top of room.
Christmas Carols are sung during the Christmas Day morning service and in services leading up to Christmas. There are also sometimes Carols by Candlelight Services in city parks
This sounds very familiar!!!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  .

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