Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5, 2016 Monday #Dance!#Light!#staywell#Venus#whereamI?

Get Fit!
I started the week with country line dancing with Denise - I'm going to need some energy and you probably do too.  Put on some Christmas music start dancing - dance to the entire song, say, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree!  C'mon you will feel better!

Get Faith
John 8:12  "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." I, personally cannot see at night to drive anymore where there are not street lights, but this isn't what Jesus is talking about.  Kept in the dark?  Not knowing is a better response to this I think.  The pharisees did not know who Jesus was or who had sent Him.  They were kept in the dark.  At this time of year when you see all the lights that we put up to share our joy that our Savior was born, remember the real light and how happy that makes us who are not in the dark.  Please let the Spirit turn on the lights for you!

On this day
1978 - (exact entry) worked - in late Sharon called home Arnolds & grocery store - home  sore throat - dinner called Mom made Christmas cards Gail Beuaregard called.    Going over this - I was late to work often.  Two people mentioned Sharon and Gail, were, good friends, I never see anymore and haven't for years.  Arnolds drug store is no longer in existance and I had a lot of sore throats - I partied alot and didn't take good care of myself. (eat right and sleep right).  I always called my Mom and for a few years made my own cards, not the really pretty creative ones that my friends make now, but I wrote good verse. (I think).  Things change, 38 years later I realize why I was always sick.  I smoked first of all and I drank too much, I kept late hours all weekend and ate when I had time, if I was hungry - but not too much because I kept thin.  This holiday season, take care of yourself.  Eat right, get enough sleep, take extra C, wash your hands A LOT and drink water. oh and hugs not kisses.  Mom.

1978 - The American space probe Pioneer Venus I, orbiting Venus, began beaming back its first information and picture of the planet.  Wow!  Who wants to see these!!   I do.

Victoria Falls
Map of Zimbabwe

Here is to getting an idea of where we are in Zimbbwe!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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