Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 15, 2016 Thursday #Energy!#Faithfordeath#dinnerout#Zimbabwevirturallybetter

Get Fit
Did a little Disco with Richard this morning, trying to fool myself into some energy I'm not really feeling.  This cold weather is telling this old person to go south.  Enough of that.

Get Faith
! Thessalonians 4:13-18  This is about Believers Who Have Died. It tells us that because Jesus was raised from the dead so shall we be.  The study writer adds "We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8  I am not afraid of death, because of my faith but I worry terribly about the mess I leave behind.

On this day
I missed a lot of entries on this date over the years.  I would guess because of how busy we are and how tired I would get working full time, being fully involved with school and church, plue getting ready for Christmas.  Very often, I would be sick - mostly from stress.  One thing I don't miss doing, ever, is dinner with the cousins and friends.  1998 - Kay, Kathy, Waynette, Barb, Norma and I went to the Channel Marker for dinner.  This was before Kay and Kathy began leaving for Florida in September. Make time for your friends and take a break!  (oh, Nicole and Grandma went to Sweden House)

1654 - A meteorological office established in Tuscany began recording daily temperature readings. I would actually find this interesting.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Here is the weather today in Victoria Falls:  74 and sunny.  Now do you want to go?

Up until about 10 years ago Zimbabwe was by the far the most popular country to visit the Victoria Falls from. There are plenty of luxury hotels and the infrastructure is good. You can walk to the falls from town along well marked paths and the view is certainly the best from this side because you can stand opposite the falls and see them head on.
But, the political situation in Zimbabwe has meant that tourists are opting to visit the falls from the Zambian side. In 2006, hotel occupancy on the Zimbabwean side hovered at around 30%, while the Zambian side was at near-capacity. As of 2011, Zimbabwe's lodges are filling up, running smoothly, the town is safe and you get much better value on accommodation than on the Zambian side.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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