Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9, 2016 Friday #feelgood#communal#DD#Peace#sightseeing!

Get Fit
Thanks to my doctor for giving me that shot of whatever it was to help my all over pain go away.  I am exercising easier and standing up and walking better than I have in a year!  It is an auto immune and anti-inflamatory something.  Worked out with weights this morning - keep up your strength!

Get Faith
Acts 4:32-37  This talks about the early Christians, who gathered together in  what sounds like a communal living situation.  They pooled all of their possessions and were supported by new members coming in.  The exception was St Paul/Saul who they turned away because he had been a persecutor at one time and they were afraid of him.  There were more communes during the 60's but I always thought they were drug users and lazy people that didn't want to work for a living.  Here in Acts it tells of a different cause, only to stay in worship  and spread the Gospel to the world.  I could probably handle that.

On this day
1983  I had just met my future husband and found out on this day that he had a problem.  He had to go to court on bench warrants, had unpaid tickets and they gave him 30 days in jail.  This was not a huge surprise for most of us who in those days lived on the edge, drinking and driving and driving fast cars.  They made an example of him and he spent the holiday nights in the slammer.  I picked him up in the morning as he was in a work release program and could still attend work - if he had a ride.  It was me and he was in Pontiac, quite a distance from my house, but as I said he was my boyfriend.  SO, if you are thinking of drinking and driving this holiday season - think again. And make sure you have a driver - a head of time.

1983 - NATO foreign ministers called on the Soviet Union to join in a "comprehensive political dialogue" to ease tensions in the world. This is a constant in our world isn't it?

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe sunset I © Jason Wharam/Flickr
Zimbabwe‘s history is rich and illustrious, stretching back centuries into written, archeological and oral records. Like many proud African nations, Zimbabwe maintains a strong connection with its ancient past. Here are seven of the best historical sites in Zimbabwe. We will check these out over the next few days!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan!

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