Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016 Friday #Relax#Godisgood#diesel#earthchange#Craton!

Get Fit
Such a stressful time of year, when it shouldn't be at all.  Take some time for yourself.  A hot bath, yoga, meditate, or whatever you find relaxing.  Maybe read a book.  I believe relaxation is a huge part of being fit.  Be kind to yourself.  How about a favorite Christmas movie?  We watched Scrooged the other night.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 7:1-11  As I read this passage telling us that we should listen to the word of the Lord, I am reminded that He will not punish us for our sins - we do that ourselves.  If we don't spend time with God - WE separate ourselves from His love, comfort and healing.  If we don't care for the homeless, the criminals and the forgotten - we have to live with their troubles and problems and all that comes from ignoring those who need our help.  God is good, he tries to point us in the right direction.  He does not want anyone to suffer.

On this day
1999 My boss had leased a car for myself and Christine in 1996.  When his son and Christine left the business she left her car.  It was a thorn in my bosses side I believe.  On this day the boss asked me for the keys to my car and turned them both in.  He offered me an old 1980 diesel Oldsmobile to drive with the bonus of filling the gas tank up in the yard all the time.  I called Mom to pick me up.  Not to be ungracious, but, later I did take the car but within a week my garage was filled with soot.

1999 - Torrential rains and mudslides in Venezuela left thousands of people dead and forced at least 120,000 to leave their homes.  I believe our earth home will continue to change with earthquakes, floods, mudslides and droughts.  We need to pay attention when there  is continued warnings, as in California.  

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

The geology of Zimbabwe in southern Africa is centred on the Zimbabwe Craton, a core of Archean basement composed in the main of granitoidsschist and gneisses. It also incorporates greenstone belts comprising mafic, ultramafic and felsic volcanics which are associated with epiclastic sediments and iron formations. The craton is overlain in the north, northwest and east by Proterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary basins whilst to the northwest are the rocks of the Magondi Supergroup.[1] Northwards is the Zambezi Belt and to the east the Mozambique Belt. South of the Zimbabwe Craton is the Kaapval Craton separated from it by the Limpopo Mobile Belt, a zone of deformation and metamorphism reflecting geological events from Archean to Mesoproterozoic times. The Zimbabwe Craton is intruded by an elongate ultramafic/mafic igneous complex known as the Great Dyke which runs for more than 500 km along a SSW/NNE oriented graben. It consists of peridotitespyroxenitesnorites and bands of chromitite.[2]  sounds stable.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Annie!!!

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