Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 206 Tuesday #chairyoga#filters#WHO#congress#rainbow!

Get Fit
A.M. Yoga  There are so many places to go on the internet to find help in keeping your health.  I saw one this morning on doing yoga as you age and the changes you can make to keep doing it.  I know they offer chair yoga along with the regular yoga class at church.  It isn't a competition, we all want to stay healthy.

Get Faith
Psalm 141:1-3  David, in his wisdom wrote this for me.  The first two verses talk about talking to the Lord in prayer and the third verse is about not talking.  Well at least watching what you say.  I have a problem with this.  I need filters.  My intentions are never bad but often come out as bad intentions.  In this case, refer to verses 1 and 2 - talk to God and request filters.

On this day
1979   I apparently had tickets to a Who concert.  I can't imagine why I couldn't go but after calling around (not too much) I found someone who took them.  My friend Pat's brother, Zack came over and picked them up.  What a great concert to have to pass up, hope it was important.

1790 - The U.S. Congress moved from New York to Philadelphia.  I have heard other suggestions of places for them to move to over the years.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Victoria Falls
Seasons - Accommodation - Towns - National Parks - Activities

The Victoria Falls constitutes one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world. The Local people call it "Mosi-oa-Tunya" -- the smoke that thunders and the Falls are remarkable. 

There is a magic about them manifested in the towering column of spray when the river is high, the thunder of the falling water, the terrifying abyss and tranquil lagoons upstream in which hippo and deadly crocodiles lurk.

The Victoria falls is 1 708 meters wide, making it the largest curtain of water in the world. It drops between 90m and 107m into the Zambezi Gorge and an average of 550,000 cubic metres of water plummet over the edge every minute.

Remarkably preserved in its natural state, Victoria falls inspires visitors as much today as it did David Livingstone in the 1860's. The falls and the surrounding area have been declared National Parks and a World Heritage Site, thus preserving the area from excessive commercialisation.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Melissa Z and Don G.

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