Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 29, 2016 Thursday #eathealthy#Godisgood#foodprep#help!Zimbabwe

Get Fit
Lost 5 lbs in two days.  Food poisoning I think.  Remember eating healthy is a big part of being healthy.  Be careful what you eat.

Get Faith
Haggai 2:15-23.  I had a difficult time with this passage for two reasons.  First I am a Christian and released from the law and saved by grace.  So I read back to the beginning of the passage and read something that struck me.  God gives good laws!  After having food poisoning for two days, how to handle food laws meant a lot, especially in those days.  God looks out for us and in my case, reminds me what happens when food is not properly handled.  Huh.  God is good!

On this day
1979  Mom and I set up a big table and made food for 11 people.  Mom and Bob went in to town for more of whatever we needed and I continued on with preparation.  I found out long ago, I love cooking for people and I have gotten better as years go on.  These were all of Mom and Bob's friends from up in Gaylord.  In all my days I have never had anyone tell me they got food poisoning from my food.  whew.

1997 - Hong Kong began killing 1.25 million chickens, the entire population, for fear of the spread of 'bird flu.'  ummm...another good reason to pay attention to food handling.

Zimbabwe Food

What are the current issues in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a low-income, food deficit country, ranked at 156 out of 187 on the 2014 UNDP Human Development Index. Currently, 72 percent of the population live below the national poverty line (living on less than USD 1.25 per day). Thirty percent of the rural poor are considered to be ‘food poor’, or ‘extremely poor’. Food and nutrition security remain fragile and subject to natural and economic shocks in Zimbabwe, chronic undernutrition remains relatively high, despite some improvements. Dietary diversity is generally poor and consumption of protein is insufficient. Only 11 percent of Zimbabwean children 6-23 months receive a minimum acceptable diet. One-third of Zimbabwe’s children are stunted, or short for their age.  Please go to this site and be educated in what this country's situation is.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia! 

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