Saturday, June 30, 2018

June 30, 2018 Saturday#Example#Gooddiet#COPDTraveling

Get Faith
Psalm 23:3  "He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."  You have to be aware of situations that call you to react in a Christian manner rather than a hasty manner.  I try to remember that every event is a possible opportunity to win one for God.  Jesus taught us how to care and love for our friends, neighbors and even enemies.  Think first before you act, especially if you are wearing a cross, the sign of Jesus' love for everyone. 

Get Fit
So recently I was told that my cholesterol is creeping up and I should try to control it with diet or be put on medicine.  I'm not big on taking all those drugs, at 71 I'm only on Omeprazole for acid re flux.  I don't think that is too bad - so I opted to try watching my diet.  Cheese and red meat come to mind, so lots of fish, chicken and fresh veggies is the answer.

On this day
1982  After work I went to Doc Hyland for a shot of penicillin for my bronchitis.  I had it a lot.  Not only was I stylishly thin because I didn't eat healthy, kept late hours and drank excessively and  I smoked .  Any of the above leads to the age health problems we get - but we never worried about it.  Now I have COPD and I worry about it.

 1097 - The Crusaders defeated the Turks at Dorylaeum. I would like to know who journal ed all this information.  
Dorylee2.jpg A picture tells the story.

From Thessaloniki to Udon Thani Thailand!
Pack up!  Today we leave for Thailand to the city Udon Thani.  Who like Thai food?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn and Emily

Friday, June 29, 2018

June 29, 2018 Friday #Truth#Exerciseresponsibility#Unlimiteds#vacaypics!

Get Faith
2 John 1  "To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth - and not I only, but also all who know the truth-"  This book is one of 3 letters John wrote to the early believers.  There were also those going around and teaching, but not the correct thought.  They were called Gnostic and from what I can determine they did not believe that Jesus was God's son.  So in this verse John is holding up the "lady and her children" that believed - rightly that Jesus is the son of God.  Do you believe this?  I know this.

Get Fit
High activity today.  Cleaning my house and then Waynette and I are going on a bus tour to old bars around Detroit.  That means a lot of climbing in and out of buses and hopefully a bit of walking.  Do not follow my advice on this - hitting the bars is not a form of exercise!

On this day
1980  Sunday  Oh the unlimited boat races!   Pat and Pam picked me up and we went downtown to the boat races.  We had a motor home  which you could sit on top of - perfect viewing but dangerous as the day went on.  Our friend Danny was there with the cherry picker, he was in the tree maintenance business - so for a really good view you could go up in the cherry picker.  I'll leave it at that.  There was a great group of us - Bob and Alice, Don and Sandy, Ty and Jane, Don and Tammy.  Plus others Harry and Bob and many I forgot to mention.  After the race (as if that wasn't enough) we went to Shoreclub and took Pat's Dad's boat out but it was too windy so we docked it and went to Brownies instead.  Must have been a great day - Ty and Jane stayed here at my house. 

1236 - Ferdinand III of Castile and Leon took Cordoba in Spain. So many good stories in our history why do we have to get all these remakes on movies?  Ware and love what else do they need?

Thessaloniki Greece

 4th century Macedonian TombRoman Odeon in ancient Agora
Palace ruins of Roman emperor Galerius, in Navarinou Square
Arch of Galerius and Rotunda
Relief of the Arch of Galerius
Fountain Square  Street of Ladadika
Thought I would share some of my pictures!  Get your souvenirs we move on tomorrow.

 Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sam!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018 Thursday#LOVE#catercize#

Get Faith
John 15:17  'These things I command you, that you love one another."    That seems pretty simple for some of us.  We are talking love in the general sense of the word, as to care and help one another get through this life.  Jesus commands it.  We all go through periods where we help and get involved in programs to assist others.  There are times in life when your own life and problems keep you from participating but in turn giving someone else a chance to help you.  No one gets out of here a live - make the best of your life by being the best of life to someone else.

Get Fit
So I tried to get the cat to use the resistance bands this morning but he didn't want to.  His exercise of choice is out on the front lawn leaping in the air to catch bugs (fish flies), which then he eats.  He also has a leaping exercise - onto my car - to the garage door and then into the attic garage.  He comes down dirty and scratches the paint on my car while he is at it.  He is an exercise in patience for me.

On this day
1979  This is the time of year when I read I was packing.  It is vacation time!  Pack up the car, the boat or whatever and go somewhere!  So if you are a women, first you have to clean the house, clean out the refrigerator, wash clothes, wash the car, make sure the pets are provided for, get funds for traveling, dye your hair,do your nails and repack your clothes - 10 times.  Guys come in pull out the duffel bag, stuff clothes and their toothbrush in.  They do make sure there is a cooler with beer, but that's it.  We need a rest after that, right girls?  But then after we return we have to reverse all the above. but maybe not right away.  I was packing to go up north with Andy, Adele and the girls for the weekend to ST Helen.  Lindsey would have been a wee baby.  Andy and I took Merri to the deer refuge to burn off the sat in the car too long blues!!

1635 - The French colony of Guadeloupe was established in the Caribbean. I have to keep this in mind for a future travel place.  Looks interesting!

Thessaloniki Greece


Bougatsa, typical Thessalonian treat.
Because Thessaloniki remained under Ottoman rule for about 100 years more than southern Greece, it has retained a lot of its Eastern character, including its culinary tastes.[251] Spices in particular play an important role in the cuisine of Thessaloniki,[251]something which is not true to the same degree about Greece's southern regions.[251] Thessaloniki's Ladadika borough is a particularly busy area in regards to Thessalonian cuisine, with most tavernas serving traditional meze and other such culinary delights.[251]
Bougatsa, a breakfast pastry, which can be either sweet or savory, is very popular throughout the city and has spread around other parts of Greece and the Balkans as well. Another popular snack is koulouri.
Notable sweets of the city are TrigonaRoxakia and Armenovil. A stereotypical Thessalonian coffee drink is Frappé coffee. Frappé was invented in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair in 1957 and has since spread throughout Greece and Cyprus to become a hallmark of the Greek coffee culture.  Wish we found this sooner!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tommy, Chris and Roger!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 27, 2018 Wednesday #Benediction#Weightlifing#Dad#Soutzoukakia!

Get Faith
Numbers 6: 24 "The Lord Bless you and keep you;  the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."  This is referred to as the Priestly Blessing in this old Testament book - Numbers.  It is the part of the Old books referred to as the law.  We still use this benediction in the Christian church today, read it again to yourself and feel the blessing it gives.  Peace.

Get Fit
Whenever you check out any fitness website or magazine, buff and chiseled men and women stare back at you, toned, tanned and happy. Although many of those images are probably Photoshopped, it's clear those people have put in their time at the gym. But maybe they're on to something: Research shows that not only can weightlifting improve your body composition and give you a toned appearance, it can also improve your overall health and make you a happier person. Weightlifting can help you burn fat, reduce your risk of diabetes, prevent back pain and even help you fight depression. Read on to find out all the benefits of weightlifting.  Go to 13 benefits of weight lifting to read on.

On this day
1978-  I guess I have always been a busy person, what about you?  There were always a million things to accomplish everyday.  I had gone to work and then made dinner and took it down to the boat - the 1948, 46 footer Pete bought and was restoring.  It was where he was most of the time this year - but we were on the last page.  I still took him dinner though.  I stopped at my Aunt Teresa's for Dad's cooler.  That is the line that caught my attention.  I have had a lot of "parents" and it took me a minute to realize that this was Bob, my Mom's second husband.  When you keep a journal you get to keep confounding yourself with these things.

1743 - King George II of England defeated the French at Dettingen, Bavaria, in the War of the Austrian Succession. See what I mean about these two at war again?

Thessaloniki Greece

Mediterranean Diet Recipes Soutzoukakia

Check out some Greek food today.  This is 


Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Celina!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

June 26, 2018 Tuesday #EarlyChristians#Dance!#Goodtimes#Festivals!

Get Faith
2 Thessalonians  The second letter to the Thessalonians is a follow up.  The people of the early church needed to be supported.  By the time Paul got back the second time, it seems some backsliding had occurred and he had to reassure them that Christ would return but not until certain things had happened in this world.  Reading these two books (5 pages total) gives you a good idea of what the early Christians in Greece were confronted with and Paul's wise (spirit led) advice did to help them.  The Bible is best read in context - get a study Bible, it helps.

Get fit
Call me crazy but I love doing the cardiac dancing with Richard first thing in the morning.  I understand it is not for everyone - but, I noticed I quit thinking about how physically tired I was after I finished.  There is something to say about that.  Yeah, I could have run 5 miles (in my dreams) but dancing to oldies in my living room is more my style.

On this day
1976  Down at marina - Pete was building the head in the Sport Fisherman.  It had to be mahogany which is very heavy so a balance had to be found in both sides of the boat or it made for a really bad ride and look.  We were saved by Pat & Pam stopping by so we went up to Metro and joined more friends, Jim and Sharon,  Phil & Donna, Jack & Di.  The we went up the Clinton River to Kirk's party with Purdy, Ed & Barb, Dick,  Beaver and Chuck & Diane.  We drank way too much in those days, I have foggy memories of this day.  But I do remember all of those mentioned.  Except maybe Chuck and Diane?  Darn.  Good times, if you can remember them.

1976 - In Toronto, Canada, the CN Tower opened to the public. The official opening date is listed as October 1, 1976. It was the world's tallest free-standing stucture and the world's tallest tower until 2010. Hey!  I remember this!!

Thessaloniki Greece


Conference with John Malkovich and Georges Corraface, current president of the International Film Festival.
Thessaloniki is home of a number of festivals and events.[226] The Thessaloniki International Trade Fair is the most important event to be hosted in the city annually, by means of economic development. It was first established in 1926[227] and takes place every year at the 180,000 m2 (1,937,503.88 sq ft) Thessaloniki International Exhibition Center. The event attracts major political attention and it is customary for the Prime Minister of Greece to outline his administration's policies for the next year, during event. Over 250,000 visitors attended the exposition in 2010.[228]The new Art Thessaloniki, is starting first time 29.10. – 1 November 2015 as an international contemporary art fair. The Thessaloniki International Film Festival is established as one of the most important film festivals in Southern Europe,[229] with a number of notable film makers such as Francis Ford CoppolaFaye DunawayCatherine DeneuveIrene Papas and Fatih Akın taking part, and was established in 1960.[230] The Documentary Festival, founded in 1999, has focused on documentaries that explore global social and cultural developments, with many of the films presented being candidates for FIPRESCI and Audience Awards.[231]   I feel like I am running out of time to check this place out!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michael!!

Monday, June 25, 2018

June 25, 2018 Monday#Thessalonians#promiseyourself#slimtrimswim#StPaulinGreece

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians  It is a short page and a half book, letter from Paul to the city telling them what a good job they are doing in following the direction of Jesus.   Here is Luther's description of this book:

 Paul founded the church at Thessalonica during his second missionary journey.  He had taught there just three weeks when he had to leave suddenly because of the opposition of the Jews.  Recent converts from paganism were thus left with little external support in the midst of persecution.  Paul wrote to give encouragement to them. 

Our faith came at great cost to early Christians but their loss is Christ's gain.

Get Fit
Jillian on the other hand is trying to kill me for no good reason.  I do better some days than others, but I do.  How is your promise of good health to yourself coming?

On this day
1974  My friends Nan and Chris and I were going to a Slim, Trim and Swim class together.  We were always sporadically finding exercise here and there.  I don't remember Nan actually needing any of this, she was always, thin and beautiful - but none of us are ever happy are we?  I can't remember if it was an indoor or outdoor pool, or even where it was.  hmmmm

0841 - Charles the Bald and Louis the German defeated Lothar at Fontenay. Really?  Charles the Bald?

Thessaloniki Greece

Archaeological sites[edit]

Ruins of the Roman Forum (Ancient Agora)
Thessaloniki is home to a number of prominent archaeological sites. Apart from its recognized UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Thessaloniki features a large two-terraced Roman forum[220] featuring two-storey stoas,[221] dug up by accident in the 1960s.[220] The forum complex also boasts two Roman baths,[222] one of which has been excavated while the other is buried underneath the city.[222] The forum also features a small theater,[220][222] which was also used for gladiatorial games.[221] Although the initial complex was not built in Roman times, it was largely refurbished in the 2nd century.[222] It is believed that the forum and the theater continued to be used until at least the 6th century.[223]    This looks like a great place to explore today!! Maybe when Paul was there!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Dale, Elaine, Heide,

Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018 Sunday #Bemerciful#Nobrownies#memories#ByzantineandScienceCenter!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:7  "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."  You get what you give in other words.  I don't believe that people who are merciful are because they want it back.  It isn't even/Steven if you know what I mean.  The minute you do something good to acquire something good back it loses its value. Mercy is something we learn best from Jesus, who showed us mercy for the sins we were guilty of, even before we committed them by dying on the cross.  But it is in His being risen that we have new life in Him and so can become merciful, like he was, without expecting us to die on the cross as He did.  You can't do anything for Him - He has it all to give you - He is God.  Be merciful.

Get Fit
My health tip of the day is do not eat too many brownies and lemon bars.  You're welcome.

On this day
1968  I went to the real-estate office and looked over the paperwork for the house I was buying. (Like I knew what to look for)  I gave it the OK and then my fiancee Don and I went to my Uncle Hank's house and went for a boat ride with my cousin Dennis and his new wife Patt.  When we got back my uncle showed old films of when we were little kids and my Dad was in them.  It had only been 8 years since Dad had died so it was emotional for me. I'd like to see them again. My aunt and uncle and Dennis are all passed now, I wonder who has them and the equipment to show them on.  Does your family have old movies, slides etc.  Share them now with one another before it's too late.

1340 - The English fleet defeated the French fleet at Sluys, off the Flemish coast. These two have been at it for eons, but now seem to be ok.

Thessaloniki Greece
The Museum of Byzantine Culture is one of the city's most famous museums, showcasing the city's glorious Byzantine past.[211] The museum was also awarded Council of Europe's museum prize in 2005.[212] The museum of the White Tower of Thessaloniki houses a series of galleries relating to the city's past, from the creation of the White Tower until recent years.[213]
One of the most modern museums in the city is the Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum and is one of the most high-tech museums in Greece and southeastern Europe.[214] It features the largest planetarium in Greece, a cosmotheater with the largest flat screen in Greece, an amphitheater, a motion simulator with 3D projection and 6-axis movement and exhibition spaces.[214] Other industrial and technological museums in the city include the Railway Museum of Thessaloniki, which houses an original Orient Express train, the War Museum of Thessaloniki and others. The city also has a number of educational and sports museums, including the Thessaloniki Olympic MuseumWow!  Maybe we can hit both today!  Go on line and take a look!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

June 23, 2018 Saturday#Spiritisgood#lastinglegs#Goodhelp!#Archaeological!

Get Faith
Psalm 143:10   "Help me to do your will, for you are my God.  Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good."  The more time you spend with God, the more meaningful these words become.  Your faith in Him grows and as you age it gives you confidence to live in Him and hope for the future.  When we are young we like to do it "my way".  As life goes on we realize that we should have done it His way and we would be better off.  The good thing is God knows the errors of humanity, he knows we are weak and he welcomes us back, every time, into the fold.  Thank Jesus for that.

Get Fit
Go to Pilate leg workouts for some great ways to shape and strengthen your legs.  Don't forget not only do you want them to look good but more importantly you want them to last.  Keep moving!

On this day
2017  Last year I was still trying to keep the office covered at CK.  Lilliya, had come back this year but her heart was not in working.  On this day she called in sick, and I figured she was done.  I had been taking my neighbor Barb over there in the event we would need her and this was the day her career with CK began.  She is a great worker and takes care of keeping the office going.  She was an answer to a prayer.

1700 - Russia gave up its Black Sea fleet as part of a truce with the Ottoman Empire. I think a book on the who, what, when and how long -about the Ottoman Empire is in order.

Thessaloniki Greece
Because of the city's rich and diverse history, Thessaloniki houses many museums dealing with many different eras in history. Two of the city's most famous museums include the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and the Museum of Byzantine Culture.
The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki was established in 1962 and houses some of the most important ancient Macedonian artifacts,[208] including an extensive collection of golden artwork from the royal palaces of Aigai and Pella.[209] It also houses exhibits from Macedon's prehistoric past, dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze age.[210] The Prehistoric Antiquities Museum of Thessaloniki has exhibits from those periods as well.
The Museum of Byzantine Culture is one of the city's most famous museums, showcasing the city's glorious Byzantine past.[211] The museum was also awarded Council of Europe's museum prize in 2005.[212] The museum of the White Tower of Thessaloniki houses a series of galleries relating to the city's past, from the creation of the White Tower until recent years.[213]      Perfect day for a trip to the museum!  
Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece (7457978664).jpg
LocationM. Andronikou 6, GR-54621, ThessalonikiCentral MacedoniaGreece
DirectorPolyxeni Adam-Veleni
  Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018 Friday#Lovingkindness#Scotsonballs#downtime#drugslave#SeichSou!

Get Faith
Psalm 36:5  "Your lovingkindness, O Lord, extends to the heavens.  Your faithfulness reaches to the skies."  My computer does not like the word "lovingkindness"  it sees two different words.  But in the ancient text written before our Lord Jesus Christ was born to this earth, it describes our God.  They had a different language and apparently combing these two words was the only way they could cover the verb/adjective.  In understanding our God, words can not cover, can not explain who, how or why.  He is the Great IAM.  If you think God is simple - think lovingkindness to start and go from there.

Get Fit
This video was so FUN to make!  This is some summer fun!  Two Scots teaching you how to stand on a gym ball - looks more like fun than a workout!!  Guess why I enjoyed watching?

On this day
2016  This was the year I worked 7 days a week at the ice cream truck business.  On this day, I took off to catch up and enjoy my summer day by running around and catching up on all the things I thought I needed to do.  It seems like it was less work to go to work.  I was missing doing the children's summer camp at Lifebuilders with Sue and visiting friends, working in the yard and just relaxing -I thought I could catch up,  but that's not what happened.  Are you like that?  It is more work to do all the things we want and then not feel like we accomplished it all anyway.  What's the answer?

1772 - Slavery was outlawed in England. There are still many places that support slavery.  I believe drug addiction is a form or slavery, think about it.

Thessaloniki Greece
Thessaloniki's proximity to places such as the national parks of Pieria and beaches of Chalkidiki often allow its residents to easily have access to some of the best outdoor recreation in Europe; however, the city is also right next to the Seich Sou forest national park, just 3.5 km (2 mi) away from Thessaloniki's city center; and offers residents and visitors alike, quiet viewpoints towards the city, mountain bike trails and landscaped hiking paths.[205]The city's zoo, which is operated by the municipality of Thessaloniki, is also located nearby the national park.[206]
Other recreation spaces throughout the Thessaloniki Metropolitan Area include the Fragma Thermis, a landscaped parkland near Thermi and the Delta wetlands west of the city center; while urban beaches that have continuously been awarded the blue flags,[207] are located along the 10 km (6 mi) coastline of Thessaloniki's southeastern suburbs of Thermaikos, about 20 km (12 mi) away from the city center.  Sounds like a great vacation spot and a great way to spend the day - in the forest!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Janet, Kaitlin and Alex!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 21, 2018 Thursday# Summer!#Obedience#Calm#fullcircle#gardens!

Get Faith
Leviticus 26 1-13  Reward for Obedience - vs 6 "I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid."  When I read this I thought, what do we all pray for? Peace Why can't we have it?  Our world is not in the shape it is in because God is punishing us - we punish ourselves by not living by the standards God has set for us.  In Jesus we know we are to "love one another, as I have loved you."  God has warned us of what happens when we do our own thing.  Don't blame God for the path we have gone down.  But, He still loves and forgives in Jesus name so do not be afraid.

Get Fit
My peace and quiet yoga was disturbed by the familiar sound of a lawn mower.  She has to cut the lawn early, she works all day and evening.  I did get through 99% of it though.  There is a calming effect in yoga - not a much as faith in the Lord, but, good.

On this day
2015  It was Fathers Day and the yearly BBQ at church.  I have a solid group of friends that I enjoy their company.  After going home and  changing my clothes I went to the cemetery to clean up the family plots.  I only started this maybe 10 years ago.  Mom and I would go over and rake and clean.  It is the cemetery that belongs to the church that my mom attended grade school at and was confirmed from.  Her parents are buried there and my father and brother, David.  It doesn't get a lot of landscaping upgrades so I like to help.  After I left there I went to Beechwood where I moved my mom to this year.  She enjoyed the place after some adjustment and really loved the courtyard that she could look out and see the birds at the feeders and beautiful flowers.   Later this year she joined her family at ST Peter's cemetery - full circle.

1834 - Cyrus McCormick patented the first practical mechanical reaper for farming. His invention allowed farmers to more than double their crop size. This must have been huge at the time!!!

Thessaloniki Greece

A fountain at the city's centre

View of the garden park at Nea Paralia

A statue of Pavlos Melas near the White tower; work by Natalia Mela

Part of the coastline of the southeastern suburb of Peraia in Thermaikos, with views towards Thessaloniki.
Although Thessaloniki is not renowned for its parks and greenery throughout its urban area, where green spaces are few, it has several large open spaces around its waterfront, namely the central city gardens of Palios Zoologikos Kipos (which is recently being redeveloped to also include rock climbing facilities, a new skatepark and paintball range),[203] the park of Pedio tou Areos, which also holds the city's annual floral expo; and the parks of the Nea Paralia (waterfront) that span for 3 km (2 mi) along the coast, from the White Tower to the concert hall.
The Nea Paralia parks are used throughout the year for a variety of events, while they open up to the Thessaloniki waterfront, which is lined up with several cafés and bars; and during summer is full of Thessalonians enjoying their long evening walks (referred to as "the volta" and is embedded into the culture of the city). Having undergone an extensive revitalization, the city's waterfront today features a total of 12 thematic gardens/parks.[204]

This looks like a perfect way to spend the day!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

June 20, 2018 Wednesday#Angelsamongus#Dance!#TunaSaladDay#Shopandparty!

Get Faith
Psalm 91:11-12  "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."  It is good to know that God himself has said He will send angels.  I believe I have had many times when I felt the presence of an angel, caring for me, sometimes even evoking my sense of humor over a problem.  I envision my guardian angel bedraggled and extremely tired.  I have had those moments in life when I stretched even an angels tolerance.  That just goes to remind us of God's great love and concern for our welfare with the most important thing being our eternal life.  Relax with your angel today, let them cover you with all the care and concern that God gave them to share with you. Be still and know that He is God.

Get Fit
Do you like to dance!?  I do, it has probably been my most experienced exercise in life.  I feel like not only does it lift my spirits, it is cardio and calorie burning AND muscle strengthening.  It is an age old practice experienced in all cultures (with few exceptions) at all times of life from the beginning.  Yesterday I had dinner with my cousins and friends group at Polka, a Polish restaurant in Troy.  It is beautifully designed and decorated in Polish theme and even has Polka music in the parking lot.  Yep we were all dancing out there!   What is your favorite dance music?

On this day
2013   2012 didn't have too much going on so I skipped to 2013 and then noticed on this day both years I made tuna salad.  What are the chances of that? and now I wonder if it happened anymore years on this date - like history repeating itself in tuna salad!!  I feel like I should make some today to keep up the tradition - maybe make it a national TUNA SALAD DAY!  Other than that it was my first summer of retirement so I worked in the yard even though it was 94 that day - because I could.

1397 - The Union of Kalmar united Denmark, Sweden, and Norway under one monarch. The Kalmar Union or Union of Kalmaris (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish: Kalmarunionen; Latin: Unio Calmariensis) was a personal union that from 1397 to 1523 joined under a single monarch the three kingdoms of DenmarkSweden (then including most of Finland's populated areas), and Norway, together with Norway's overseas dependencies   The song United we Stand just came to mind.

Thessalonica Greece
Thessaloniki is renowned for its major shopping streets and lively laneways. Tsimiski Street and Proxenou Koromila avenue are the city's most famous shopping streets and are among Greece's most expensive and exclusive high streets. The city is also home to one of Greece's most famous and prestigious hotels, Makedonia Palace hotel, the Hyatt Regency Casino and hotel (the biggest casino in Greece and one of the biggest in Europe) and Waterland, the largest water park in southeastern Europe.
The city has long been known in Greece for its vibrant city culture, including having the most cafes and bars per capita of any city in Europe; and as having some of the best nightlife and entertainment in the country, thanks to its large young population and multicultural feel. Lonely Planet listed Thessaloniki among the world's "ultimate party cities".[202]  Woohoo!  lets go out and have some fun!!

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to John, Ron, Ken Karen and 