Saturday, June 9, 2018

June 9, 2018 Saturday#Understand#smoothies#sportsbusy#EasternRomanEmpire!

Get Faith
Romans 6:1-2  "Well then, shall we keep on sinning so that God can keep on showing us more and more kindness and forgiveness?  Of course not!....For sin's power over us was broken when we became Christians."   When you become a Christian you realize a better relationship with Jesus.  You understand what our Father in heaven wants you to know about his great love and forgiveness.  Once you believe what the teachings are and hear the word with faith, you realize what that above sentence means.  It isn't a secret - you can receive the understanding, it's free!

Get Fit
I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks having this smoothie for breakfast every morning. A great start to your day :)

I love the idea of smoothies, etc.  Whatever you have in the refrigerator you put in your blender (with a little thought or guidance) and walla!  you have a meal in a glass.  My favorite is a dish of salad that you made a couple days ago.  I throw it in the blender with some extra spices/flavoring and some tomato juice and have gazpacho.  yum!

On this day
1999  My days were still work and school.  Nicole was playing softball in 9th grade and I must have had to stop at Dunham's for something, that Nicole needed I'm sure.  After the game I had to run over to Ty and Norma's to take care of the cats.  It is summer and sports are starting up.  If you are a mom and dad that works you have your hands full, especially if there are two or more kids.  You run from work to school to games to yardwork, laundry and oh!  dinner.  It is hectic but fun at the same time.  You can do it!  I did and I was an "old" mom.  Don't worry about the small stuff - but do it all together with the kids and family - even the house work.

1999 - NATO and Yugoslavia signed a peace agreement over Kosovo. 

Thessaloniki Greece
When the Roman Empire was divided into the tetrarchy, Thessaloniki became the administrative capital of one of the four portions of the Empire under Galerius Maximianus Caesar,[37][38] where Galerius commissioned an imperial palace, a new hippodrome, a triumphal arch and a mausoleum among others.[38][39][40]
In 379, when the Roman Prefecture of Illyricum was divided between the East and West Roman Empires, Thessaloniki became the capital of the new Prefecture of Illyricum.[32] In 390, Gothic troops under the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, led a massacre against the inhabitants of Thessalonica, who had risen in revolt against the Gothic soldiers. By the time of the Fall of Rome in 476, Thessaloniki was the second-largest city of the Eastern Roman Empire.[34]
Hard to believe this still stands!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Maria C, Eleni, and Lori!

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