Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 2018 Sunday #Bemerciful#Nobrownies#memories#ByzantineandScienceCenter!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:7  "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."  You get what you give in other words.  I don't believe that people who are merciful are because they want it back.  It isn't even/Steven if you know what I mean.  The minute you do something good to acquire something good back it loses its value. Mercy is something we learn best from Jesus, who showed us mercy for the sins we were guilty of, even before we committed them by dying on the cross.  But it is in His being risen that we have new life in Him and so can become merciful, like he was, without expecting us to die on the cross as He did.  You can't do anything for Him - He has it all to give you - He is God.  Be merciful.

Get Fit
My health tip of the day is do not eat too many brownies and lemon bars.  You're welcome.

On this day
1968  I went to the real-estate office and looked over the paperwork for the house I was buying. (Like I knew what to look for)  I gave it the OK and then my fiancee Don and I went to my Uncle Hank's house and went for a boat ride with my cousin Dennis and his new wife Patt.  When we got back my uncle showed old films of when we were little kids and my Dad was in them.  It had only been 8 years since Dad had died so it was emotional for me. I'd like to see them again. My aunt and uncle and Dennis are all passed now, I wonder who has them and the equipment to show them on.  Does your family have old movies, slides etc.  Share them now with one another before it's too late.

1340 - The English fleet defeated the French fleet at Sluys, off the Flemish coast. These two have been at it for eons, but now seem to be ok.

Thessaloniki Greece
The Museum of Byzantine Culture is one of the city's most famous museums, showcasing the city's glorious Byzantine past.[211] The museum was also awarded Council of Europe's museum prize in 2005.[212] The museum of the White Tower of Thessaloniki houses a series of galleries relating to the city's past, from the creation of the White Tower until recent years.[213]
One of the most modern museums in the city is the Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum and is one of the most high-tech museums in Greece and southeastern Europe.[214] It features the largest planetarium in Greece, a cosmotheater with the largest flat screen in Greece, an amphitheater, a motion simulator with 3D projection and 6-axis movement and exhibition spaces.[214] Other industrial and technological museums in the city include the Railway Museum of Thessaloniki, which houses an original Orient Express train, the War Museum of Thessaloniki and others. The city also has a number of educational and sports museums, including the Thessaloniki Olympic MuseumWow!  Maybe we can hit both today!  Go on line and take a look!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kathy!

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