Wednesday, June 20, 2018

June 20, 2018 Wednesday#Angelsamongus#Dance!#TunaSaladDay#Shopandparty!

Get Faith
Psalm 91:11-12  "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.  In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."  It is good to know that God himself has said He will send angels.  I believe I have had many times when I felt the presence of an angel, caring for me, sometimes even evoking my sense of humor over a problem.  I envision my guardian angel bedraggled and extremely tired.  I have had those moments in life when I stretched even an angels tolerance.  That just goes to remind us of God's great love and concern for our welfare with the most important thing being our eternal life.  Relax with your angel today, let them cover you with all the care and concern that God gave them to share with you. Be still and know that He is God.

Get Fit
Do you like to dance!?  I do, it has probably been my most experienced exercise in life.  I feel like not only does it lift my spirits, it is cardio and calorie burning AND muscle strengthening.  It is an age old practice experienced in all cultures (with few exceptions) at all times of life from the beginning.  Yesterday I had dinner with my cousins and friends group at Polka, a Polish restaurant in Troy.  It is beautifully designed and decorated in Polish theme and even has Polka music in the parking lot.  Yep we were all dancing out there!   What is your favorite dance music?

On this day
2013   2012 didn't have too much going on so I skipped to 2013 and then noticed on this day both years I made tuna salad.  What are the chances of that? and now I wonder if it happened anymore years on this date - like history repeating itself in tuna salad!!  I feel like I should make some today to keep up the tradition - maybe make it a national TUNA SALAD DAY!  Other than that it was my first summer of retirement so I worked in the yard even though it was 94 that day - because I could.

1397 - The Union of Kalmar united Denmark, Sweden, and Norway under one monarch. The Kalmar Union or Union of Kalmaris (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish: Kalmarunionen; Latin: Unio Calmariensis) was a personal union that from 1397 to 1523 joined under a single monarch the three kingdoms of DenmarkSweden (then including most of Finland's populated areas), and Norway, together with Norway's overseas dependencies   The song United we Stand just came to mind.

Thessalonica Greece
Thessaloniki is renowned for its major shopping streets and lively laneways. Tsimiski Street and Proxenou Koromila avenue are the city's most famous shopping streets and are among Greece's most expensive and exclusive high streets. The city is also home to one of Greece's most famous and prestigious hotels, Makedonia Palace hotel, the Hyatt Regency Casino and hotel (the biggest casino in Greece and one of the biggest in Europe) and Waterland, the largest water park in southeastern Europe.
The city has long been known in Greece for its vibrant city culture, including having the most cafes and bars per capita of any city in Europe; and as having some of the best nightlife and entertainment in the country, thanks to its large young population and multicultural feel. Lonely Planet listed Thessaloniki among the world's "ultimate party cities".[202]  Woohoo!  lets go out and have some fun!!

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to John, Ron, Ken Karen and 

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