Monday, June 11, 2018

June 11, 2018 Monday#clearly#Move!#stayinvolved#AmericanIdol#Bewareofselfcrowners!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:12  "We can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face...Then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now."  If that frightens you be assured that God has seen everything since the beginning of time.  I cry for God everyday for what He has to witness on the whole earth.  Knowing that He sees all and still cares and loves us, is hard to conceive for our human minds.  But you need to know that He does see you and loves you for all that you are - His creation, His child.  Wait for the day when we will see clearly.

Get Fit
This was the last of 5 days in a row that I couldn't get up and do my exercises.  Tomorrow back on track.  That isn't to say I haven't been active.  You should always find ways to move to stay healthy in your everyday life.  What can you do today?

On  this day
2002  These days all started with "exercise, shower, lunch, work and school.  I realize that not everyone is as OCD as I am about keeping track but, you probably remember years when your morning schedule was the same, getting yourself and kids ready and out the door to whatever you needed to be at.  The after school and work schedules probably change, somewhat, but not a lot.  On this day Nicole and I were both back at school.  She had a basketball meeting and I had a Mom and Dad's club meeting.  I hope you are staying active with your children's schools so that they know how important their "work" is to you.

2002 - The television series "American Idol" debuted. The show featured judges Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell. And so, this started!

Thessaloniki Greece
 Took a side trip to this location because of the Bible verse today and got this surprise.
Due to its ancient history and the presence of St. Paul the Apostle in Corinth some locations all over the world have been named Corinth.  

An Arab naval attack in 904 resulted in the sack of the city.[57] The economic expansion of the city continued through the 12th century as the rule of the Komnenoi emperors expanded Byzantine control to the north. Thessaloniki passed out of Byzantine hands in 1204,[58] when Constantinople was captured by the forces of the Fourth Crusade and incorporated the city and its surrounding territories in the Kingdom of Thessalonica[59] — which then became the largest vassal of the Latin Empire. In 1224, the Kingdom of Thessalonica was overrun by the Despotate of Epirus, a remnant of the former Byzantine Empire, under Theodore Komnenos Doukas who crowned himself Emperor,[60] and the city became the capital of the short-lived Empire of Thessalonica.[60][61][62][63] Following his defeat at Klokotnitsa however in 1230,[60][64] the Empire of Thessalonica became a vassal state of the Second Bulgarian Empire until it was recovered again in 1246, this time by the Nicaean Empire.[60]
In 1342,[65] the city saw the rise of the Commune of the Zealots, an anti-aristocratic party formed of sailors and the poor,[66] which is nowadays described as social-revolutionary.[65] The city was practically independent of the rest of the Empire,[65][66][67] as it had its own government, a form of republic.[65] The zealot movement was overthrown in 1350 and the city was reunited with the rest of the Empire.[65]  I find the history of this area very interesting, hope you are enjoying!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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