Thursday, June 14, 2018

June13, 2018 Wednesday#Donateprayhelp#staystrong#roundabout#1917view

Get Faith
Matthew 25:40  "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me."   We reach out and help one another.  It is easy if you have the resources to just write a check or buy something for a group.  It is also easy to say prayers for those in need.  You can easily find more information on any charity that needs help.  You can donate your time to organizations that are looking for help.  There are a million ways to assist those in this world that have fallen on hard times or just plain live in hard times.  And we do it all to the glory of God.  Do it for Jesus.

Get Fit
I do lift weights and I notice the difference.  When I want to carry a bag of dirt, or lift a heavy pot in the yard - my strength is there for me.  I'm determined to not lose my ability to care for myself and stay independent.  If I get grandchildren (and I think I will)  I want to be able to hold them and play with them.  Think of one good thing you are losing in your life now because you aren't strong enough.   Now fix it, just start out with 1 lb weights!

On this day
2004  It was a Sunday and they always tend to be busy, right?  Mom and I picked up my Aunt Annie and went to a baby shower for my cousin Kathy's son Scott and his wife Wendy.  I stopped at Aaron's house to drop off a card for Rachelle, it is her birthday today.  When I got home I cut the lawn and Norma came by with leftover food from Ty's 60th birthday party the day before.  Funny thing is what I remember most about the day and it isn't mentioned here, is that I got stuck in the roundabout up in Macomb Twp- went around a couple times and ended up going back in the direction I came from, with the knowledge that I would have to try again.  How do you feel about those things?  I'm getting the hang of them now, but boy it was a laugh on me that day!

1777 - The Marquis de Lafayette arrived in the American colonies to help with their rebellion against the British.   The French have helped us out a lot - we have a street named after him here in Detroit!

Thessaloniki Greece

The seafront of Thessaloniki, as it was in 1917.
To Chris - do you think your parents saw this view at this time?

In the early 20th century, Thessaloniki was in the center of radical activities by various groups; the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, founded in 1897,[103] and the Greek Macedonian Committee, founded in 1903.[104] In 1903 an anarchist group known as the Boatmen of Thessaloniki planted bombs in several buildings in Thessaloniki, including the Ottoman Bank, with some assistance from the IMRO. The Greek consulate in Ottoman Thessaloniki (now the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle) served as the center of operations for the Greek guerillas.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rachelle, Jeff and Dan!!

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