Saturday, June 30, 2018

June 30, 2018 Saturday#Example#Gooddiet#COPDTraveling

Get Faith
Psalm 23:3  "He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."  You have to be aware of situations that call you to react in a Christian manner rather than a hasty manner.  I try to remember that every event is a possible opportunity to win one for God.  Jesus taught us how to care and love for our friends, neighbors and even enemies.  Think first before you act, especially if you are wearing a cross, the sign of Jesus' love for everyone. 

Get Fit
So recently I was told that my cholesterol is creeping up and I should try to control it with diet or be put on medicine.  I'm not big on taking all those drugs, at 71 I'm only on Omeprazole for acid re flux.  I don't think that is too bad - so I opted to try watching my diet.  Cheese and red meat come to mind, so lots of fish, chicken and fresh veggies is the answer.

On this day
1982  After work I went to Doc Hyland for a shot of penicillin for my bronchitis.  I had it a lot.  Not only was I stylishly thin because I didn't eat healthy, kept late hours and drank excessively and  I smoked .  Any of the above leads to the age health problems we get - but we never worried about it.  Now I have COPD and I worry about it.

 1097 - The Crusaders defeated the Turks at Dorylaeum. I would like to know who journal ed all this information.  
Dorylee2.jpg A picture tells the story.

From Thessaloniki to Udon Thani Thailand!
Pack up!  Today we leave for Thailand to the city Udon Thani.  Who like Thai food?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn and Emily

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