Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 5, 2018 Tuesday#NeedsGod#Pilatesring#Family#Paleochristianmonument!

Get Faith
Psalm 4:6  "Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord."  I have an acquaintance that needs to have this happen to him asap.  He lives in Key West and is dying of kidney failure and now what sounds like leukemia.  He is crying out for his friends to help him.  The crowd he ran with were fast living and self centered.  I know, I spent some time with that group as well.  His real help at this point can only come from the Lord himself - and I said as much, I only hope he listens.  In the mean time I pray that God would shine his face on Don, and give him hope and comfort.  If anyone reading this is in the Keys - Don Duchene needs some God.

Get Fit
I worked out with the Pilates ring today.  It simply puts resistance into an already good workout.  If you Google Pilates ring it will pull up a couple of sites where you can purchase the ring and a video to go with it.  The one I saw was only 18.00.  I worked out legs, arms, shoulders and abs this morning.  Feels good.

On this day
1991 - Andy and Alice came over for dinner to celebrate Alice's birthday, which is tomorrow.  I looked to see why not tomorrow and saw that Nicole had a baseball game and Merry graduated from 8th grade, so we celebrated early - but we always celebrated.  I have gone up north around her birthday in past years but it isn't always easy to get away.  This year I sent a card and shopped on line to make her day a  little special.  Love my sister.

1595 - Henry IV's army defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Fontaine-Francaise. I feel like this would be as if Michigan and Ohio went to war with each other.  What do you think?

Thessaloniki Greece
Thessaloniki is home to numerous notable Byzantine monuments, including the Paleochristian and Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as several RomanOttoman and Sephardic Jewish structures. The city's main university, Aristotle University, is the largest in Greece and the Balkans.[12]
Thessaloniki is a popular tourist destination in Greece. In 2013, National Geographic Magazine included Thessaloniki in its top tourist destinations worldwide,[13] while in 2014 Financial Times FDI magazine (Foreign Direct Investments) declared Thessaloniki as the best mid-sized European city of the future for human capital and lifestyle.[14][15] Among street photographers, the center of Thessaloniki is also considered the most popular destination for street photography in Greece.[16]  Be ready to smile!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claudia!

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