Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 16, 2018 Saturday #Donotfear#heartburn#10years#Greatfire1917

Get Faith
Isaiah 41:10  "So do not fear, for I am with you,: do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  No matter your belief or heritage, all of our biggest fear is death.  The only thing that helps with that is knowing that God, and God only will be with you till death, through death and after death on this earth to all eternity.  Do not be dismayed.  His right hand, Jesus, will lead the way.

Get Fit
How To Heal Heartburn With Food If you suffer from heartburn you are not alone. It can turn a relaxing meal into a four-alarm fire inside your body. For those who are suffering with heartburn, here are fifteen foods that may be safe for you to consume. What is heartburn? Read more here  The only prescription drug I'm on is Omeprazole - for acid reflux and heartburn.  Maybe this would help be get off of that too!

On this day
2008  Life was much different 10 years ago.  I was still working and doing the mid month billing.  I had decided to try a bi-monthly billing to see if the cash flow was better all month that way instead of just at the beginning after statements.  It did work, and companies appreciated getting billings on jobs so they could bill their jobs out.  (There was no bonus received for this innovative thinking).  I got a call from Adam Michoski, probably about setting up our trip to Michi lu Ca for Bass Lake.  We joined our youth groups for a better well rounded group to travel and share food.  It was fun!  Also, at this time Mom was still trying to remain independent by taking the local bus that would pick her up at our house and take her to the doctor appointment and then pick up and bring her back.  She always commented on the driver and how considerate he was.  It didn't last long though.  How much has your life changed in the last 10 years?

2008 - California began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.  Thanks for you initiative California!!!!

Thessaloniki  Greece
Most of the old center of the city was destroyed by the Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917, which was started accidentally by an unattended kitchen fire on 18 August 1917.[118] The fire swept through the centre of the city, leaving 72,000 people homeless; according to the Pallis Report, most of them were Jewish (50,000). Many businesses were destroyed, as a result, 70% of the population were unemployed.[118] Two churches and many synagogues and mosques were lost. Nearly one-quarter of the total population of approximately 271,157 became homeless.[118] Following the fire the government prohibited quick rebuilding, so it could implement the new redesign of the city according to the European-style urban plan[7] prepared by a group of architects, including the Briton Thomas Mawson, and headed by French architect Ernest Hébrard.[118] Property values fell from 6.5 million Greek drachmas to 750,000.[119]
Sounds like this fire was more than an accident, more selective in damages and certainly more destructive that just property loss.  Amazing it had any comeback but people had designs on this rebirth and it was obviously selective.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shakira!  

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