Friday, June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018 Friday#Sinoffering#Keepup#AA#2ndlargestcity

Get Faith
Psalm 27:1  "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"  Wow!  How empowering is that?  Jesus is the light of the world, he shines on our path to show us the way to go and be and then he suffers and dies on the cross. like the offerings of sheep on the altar back in the days of Moses mentioned in Leviticus.  He died for the atonement of our sins, all of us, all of our sins.  A sin offering.  Sincerely what should I fear?  Thank you Jesus for your great love for us.

Get Fit
I tried my best to keep up with the girls with the pink resistance bands.  I actually ended up laughing at myself half way through the floor exercises when I realized I in no way resembled the body positions they were in.  It was like a caricature of ...well you get the idea.  But hey!!  I try.  I am currently trying to talk myself into joining the water exercises at the city pool.  Maybe.

On this day
1982  I was volunteering with the St Clair Shores probation office in a "one on one" program.  I would work with a single offender that might benefit from additional help.  This gal was my age, a chronic offender alcoholic.  She had been arrested for drunk and disorderly and was still drunk at her arraignment when she urinated on the judges desk.  Why they thought I could help her I still don't know, but I tried.  I signed us up for exercise classes (she had agreed to) and after the class she pulled a bottle of whiskey from my glove box and offered me a slug after she had one.  On another night we had a meeting with the parents, just her and I and Mom and Dad.  Unfortunately, they had already given her up as a lost cause and only wanted to know from me what they should do next.   I just met with her at a park after that and didn't react if she had a bottle with her, I just let her talk her crap to me about how she was going to change and be a better person.  I only suggested she get into a program that could help her when they pulled me off and gave me a teenage boy.  A year later I asked the probation officer if he had heard from her and he said she had disappeared from sight.  We can only try, they have to want help.

1774 - The British government ordered the Port of Boston closed. 
The Boston Port Act (the Trade Act 1774) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain [1] which became law on March 25,[2] 1774, and is one of the measures (variously called the Intolerable Acts, the Punitive Acts or the Coercive Acts) that were designed to secure Great Britain's jurisdictions over her American dominions.  WEll that didn't go well.

Thessaloniki Greece


Thessaloniki (520 km. north of Athens) is the second largest city of Greece and the most important centre of the area. Built near the sea (at the back of the Thermaïkos Gulf), it is a modern metropolis bearing the marks of its stormy history and its cosmopolitan character, which give it a special beauty and charm.
Take a tour in the centre of Thessaloniki and plan to visit its nearby destinations. Also, while being in Thessaloniki it is worth going up to Halkidiki.
What a beautiful city!!!  Can't wait to explore!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Katie D!!!

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