Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018 Tuesday#Judgement#summerweight#StaySocial#MohamedAbudullahiOUT#Symphony!

Get Faith
Matthew 7:1  "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."  We are all judged by God's standard, so keep this in mind when you criticize or think less of someone because of their behavior, whether it is their driving skill, their parenting or clothing choices.  That seems lame but it is things we do every day.  The fortunate thing for us is that unlike the Old Testament where it was eye for an eye, our dear Lord Jesus Christ has taken the right hand seat to God to judge both the living and the dead.  I feel like He is more forgiving in His judgments.  Thanks be to God.

Get Fit
Thank you to my daughter for the video "Shape - Pilates".  It is only 30 minutes with the last 15 being the legs.  You do Pilates with the resistance band, an overall workout.  I'm sure I have mentioned it before.  It is the time of year when we all put on less clothes and eat abundantly at picnics - so watch those pounds!  Personally, I'm going for low cal Polish tonight, ha!

On this day
2011  Mom and I went to church and to the cemetery after to clean up the family area.  It is a bittersweet memory because now, she is there too.  It was a beautiful day and I went and picked up my cousin Kathy and brought her here to sit outside and chat.  She had broken her ankle and couldn't get around too well. (again)   Later, after Kathy went home to make her husband dinner, my neighbor Al came over and had dinner with Mom and I.  After dinner I went over to Mike's on the water to have a beer with Norma and Ty, and Don and Jae.  Nicole was living in Chicago at the time or would have joined us, we love that place, still.  I'm usually that busy, how about you?  It keeps you from sitting too much, stewing over bills, etc. too much and keeps you social.  Call me!

 - Somalian Prime Minister Resigns
2011 : Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, Prime Minister of Somalia, announced his resignation. Mohamed stated that he would resign in the interest of the citizens of Somalia after the president and parliament of the country agreed on a UN-sanctioned plan to kick him out of office. Much of the country is controlled by Islamist militants and it has not had an effective government since 1991. Raising pirates too!

Thessaloniki  Culture


Leisure and entertainment[edit]

Theatro Dasous ("Forest Theater")
Thessaloniki is not only regarded as the cultural and entertainment capital of northern Greece[163][198] but also the cultural capital of the country.[9] The city's main theaters, run by the National Theatre of Northern Greece(Greek: Κρατικό Θέατρο Βορείου Ελλάδος) which was established in 1961,[199] include the Theater of the Society of Macedonian Studies, where the National Theater is based, the Royal Theater (Vasiliko Theatro) -the first base of the National Theater-, Moni Lazariston, and the Earth Theater and Forest Theater, both amphitheatrical open-air theatres overlooking the city.[199]
The title of the European Capital of Culture in 1997 saw the birth of the city's first opera[200] and today forms an independent section of the National Theatre of Northern Greece.[201] The opera is based at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, one of the largest concert halls in Greece. Recently a second building was also constructed and designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. Thessaloniki is also the seat of two symphony orchestras, the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra of the Municipality of ThessalonikiOlympion Theater, the site of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival and the Plateia Assos Odeon multiplex are the two major cinemas in downtown Thessaloniki. The city also has a number of multiplex cinemas in major shopping malls in the suburbs, most notably in Mediterranean Cosmos, the largest retail and entertainment development in the Balkans I feel like the Symphony would be a better choice than a play as it is "all Greek to me!"  sorry.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday June!

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