Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018 Thursday#LOVE#catercize#

Get Faith
John 15:17  'These things I command you, that you love one another."    That seems pretty simple for some of us.  We are talking love in the general sense of the word, as to care and help one another get through this life.  Jesus commands it.  We all go through periods where we help and get involved in programs to assist others.  There are times in life when your own life and problems keep you from participating but in turn giving someone else a chance to help you.  No one gets out of here a live - make the best of your life by being the best of life to someone else.

Get Fit
So I tried to get the cat to use the resistance bands this morning but he didn't want to.  His exercise of choice is out on the front lawn leaping in the air to catch bugs (fish flies), which then he eats.  He also has a leaping exercise - onto my car - to the garage door and then into the attic garage.  He comes down dirty and scratches the paint on my car while he is at it.  He is an exercise in patience for me.

On this day
1979  This is the time of year when I read I was packing.  It is vacation time!  Pack up the car, the boat or whatever and go somewhere!  So if you are a women, first you have to clean the house, clean out the refrigerator, wash clothes, wash the car, make sure the pets are provided for, get funds for traveling, dye your hair,do your nails and repack your clothes - 10 times.  Guys come in pull out the duffel bag, stuff clothes and their toothbrush in.  They do make sure there is a cooler with beer, but that's it.  We need a rest after that, right girls?  But then after we return we have to reverse all the above. but maybe not right away.  I was packing to go up north with Andy, Adele and the girls for the weekend to ST Helen.  Lindsey would have been a wee baby.  Andy and I took Merri to the deer refuge to burn off the sat in the car too long blues!!

1635 - The French colony of Guadeloupe was established in the Caribbean. I have to keep this in mind for a future travel place.  Looks interesting!

Thessaloniki Greece


Bougatsa, typical Thessalonian treat.
Because Thessaloniki remained under Ottoman rule for about 100 years more than southern Greece, it has retained a lot of its Eastern character, including its culinary tastes.[251] Spices in particular play an important role in the cuisine of Thessaloniki,[251]something which is not true to the same degree about Greece's southern regions.[251] Thessaloniki's Ladadika borough is a particularly busy area in regards to Thessalonian cuisine, with most tavernas serving traditional meze and other such culinary delights.[251]
Bougatsa, a breakfast pastry, which can be either sweet or savory, is very popular throughout the city and has spread around other parts of Greece and the Balkans as well. Another popular snack is koulouri.
Notable sweets of the city are TrigonaRoxakia and Armenovil. A stereotypical Thessalonian coffee drink is Frappé coffee. Frappé was invented in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair in 1957 and has since spread throughout Greece and Cyprus to become a hallmark of the Greek coffee culture.  Wish we found this sooner!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tommy, Chris and Roger!!

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