Friday, June 29, 2018

June 29, 2018 Friday #Truth#Exerciseresponsibility#Unlimiteds#vacaypics!

Get Faith
2 John 1  "To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth - and not I only, but also all who know the truth-"  This book is one of 3 letters John wrote to the early believers.  There were also those going around and teaching, but not the correct thought.  They were called Gnostic and from what I can determine they did not believe that Jesus was God's son.  So in this verse John is holding up the "lady and her children" that believed - rightly that Jesus is the son of God.  Do you believe this?  I know this.

Get Fit
High activity today.  Cleaning my house and then Waynette and I are going on a bus tour to old bars around Detroit.  That means a lot of climbing in and out of buses and hopefully a bit of walking.  Do not follow my advice on this - hitting the bars is not a form of exercise!

On this day
1980  Sunday  Oh the unlimited boat races!   Pat and Pam picked me up and we went downtown to the boat races.  We had a motor home  which you could sit on top of - perfect viewing but dangerous as the day went on.  Our friend Danny was there with the cherry picker, he was in the tree maintenance business - so for a really good view you could go up in the cherry picker.  I'll leave it at that.  There was a great group of us - Bob and Alice, Don and Sandy, Ty and Jane, Don and Tammy.  Plus others Harry and Bob and many I forgot to mention.  After the race (as if that wasn't enough) we went to Shoreclub and took Pat's Dad's boat out but it was too windy so we docked it and went to Brownies instead.  Must have been a great day - Ty and Jane stayed here at my house. 

1236 - Ferdinand III of Castile and Leon took Cordoba in Spain. So many good stories in our history why do we have to get all these remakes on movies?  Ware and love what else do they need?

Thessaloniki Greece

 4th century Macedonian TombRoman Odeon in ancient Agora
Palace ruins of Roman emperor Galerius, in Navarinou Square
Arch of Galerius and Rotunda
Relief of the Arch of Galerius
Fountain Square  Street of Ladadika
Thought I would share some of my pictures!  Get your souvenirs we move on tomorrow.

 Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sam!!!

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