Thursday, June 14, 2018

June 14, 2018 Thursday #keepyourfeetfromevil#choosewisely#T-ball!#Flagday#breadfetapeppers!

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:25-27  "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix you gaze directly before you.  Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm,  do not swerve to the right or the left, keep your feet from evil."  This is such good advice, I tell myself this everyday when I go for a walk.  As we get older we need to be watchful of the path ahead so that we don't trip and fall.  I can remember a time when I never considered this, but not anymore.  I watch for the break in the concrete, a stick fallen from a tree - anything that might be a stumbling block.  I don't think this passage was written for this purpose, I think it is more referring to life.  What do you think?  The last part "Keep your feet from evil" might be a clue.

Get Fit
This morning I started out with the resistance bands.  I worked out the legs (a lot) and then the arms.  If I had thought about what my plan for the rest of the day was going to be I might have thought twice before I had subjected myself to this.  Before my second cup of coffee and before it got hot and the sun was on the back side of the house,I suited up in long pants and long sleeve shirt and attacked the jungle behind my house.  First of all there are trees grown up on the fence and they need to be trimmed back off of my house every year.  Then I have a grape vine with an intertwined honeysuckle vine that I love and protect from the  invasive grape vine.  So, between chopping off tree branches, cutting long vines extending out from the fence and then raking all of it up, my arms now feel like cooked spaghetti.  Choose wisely.

On this day
2005  Nicole was grown up and working at Stony Lake as a counselor for the summer.  It was just Mom and I and although I am always busy, I seriously missed the days of softball.  On this day and many other days I took my lawn chair and went to Elmwood behind my house.  I could hear the noise from a game in progress.  Praise the Lord!  It was T-ball!  If you want some fresh air and don't happen to have any of your own - go watch a baseball or soccer game by someone else's kids.  Make sure your heart is in the right place.

1777 - The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the national flag of the United States. The Flag Resolution stated "Resolved: that the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation." On May 20, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed June 14 "Flag Day" as a commemoration of the "Stars and Stripes." Going to put my flags up!!

Thessaloniki Greece
In the early 20th century, Thessaloniki was in the center of radical activities by various groups; the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, founded in 1897,[103] and the Greek Macedonian Committee, founded in 1903.[104] In 1903 an anarchist group known as the Boatmen of Thessaloniki planted bombs in several buildings in Thessaloniki, including the Ottoman Bank, with some assistance from the IMRO. The Greek consulate in Ottoman Thessaloniki (now the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle) served as the center of operations for the Greek guerillas.
Thessaloniki was also the center of activities of the Young Turks, a political reform movement, which goal was to replace the Ottoman Empire's absolute monarchy with a constitutional government. The Young Turks started out as an underground movement, until finally in 1908, they started the Young Turk Revolution from the city of Thessaloniki, by which their revolutionaries gained control over the Ottoman Empire.[105]
Constantine I of Greece with George I of Greece and the Greek army enter the city.

As the First Balkan War broke out, Greece declared war on the Ottoman Empire and expanded its borders. When Eleftherios VenizelosPrime Minister at the time, was asked if the Greek army should move towards Thessaloniki or Monastir (now BitolaRepublic of Macedonia), Venizelos replied "Θεσσαλονίκη με κάθε κόστος!" (Thessaloniki, at all costs!).[106] As both Greece and Bulgaria wanted Thessaloniki, the Ottoman garrison of the city entered negotiations with both armies.[107] On 8 November 1912 (26 October Old Style), the feast day of the city's patron saint, Saint Demetrius, the Greek Army accepted the surrender of the Ottoman garrison at Thessaloniki.[108] The Bulgarian army arrived one day after the surrender of the city to Greece and Tahsin Pasha, ruler of the city, told the Bulgarian officials that "I have only one Thessaloniki, which I have surrendered".[107] After the Second Balkan War, Thessaloniki and the rest of the Greek portion of Macedonia were officially annexed to Greece by the Treaty of Bucharest in 1913.[109] On 18 March 1913 George I of Greece was assassinated in the city by Alexandros Schinas.[110]  This is interesting to me because my friend Chris's heritage is Macedonian and I 
fond memories of her Mom telling me her version of her country in broken Macedonian over 
home baked bread, grilled peppers and feta cheese, in Toronto.  yum.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday - Betty, Christina, Krista &Bruce!

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