Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15, 2018 Friday#OurFather#Pilates#Eastpointecruise#Vera'shistory!

Get Faith
Jeremiah 31:3  "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."  Father's Day is this Sunday.  We all have earthly fathers and hopefully they are good fathers but, the example that our Father in heaven has set is unattainable by a human being.  He created each of us with a loving hand, I think this because we are all different.  He didn't make one human and say "that's good" and leave it at that.  We are all created in His image, which as we know is not limited to one look or appearance.  He comes to us in all forms and ways.  To see God, look in the mirror and know that you are His child!  and his love and kindness are eternal.  Be happy.

Get Fit
I am happy that God made me but apparently not happy enough to let it alone.  I strive to be better and healthier, mostly to retain my ability to keep doing His work in this world.  It was Pilates today to keep up my core strength and point my toes to the ceiling and hope the skin falls the other way.  I think God finds me humorous, at least I hope so.   Do what you can!

On this day
2007  We have many names for the seasons, summer is typically called orange cone season in Michigan, but I like to call it Cruise season.  Not boat cruising.  Cars.  There is the Woodward Cruise the Harper Cruise, the Gratiot, north and south cruise.  And, whatever your main street is, cruise.  On this day Waynette, my cousins Kathy and Peggy and I went to the Eastpointe Car Cruise on Gratiot.  It doesn't stand out as one of the best I have seen (they must not have had a baby blue, two seater, Thunderbird in it).  After that we went to Shores Inn for drinks.  What a great memory.

1381 - The English peasant revolt was crushed in London. I don't like the way they used the word crushed here, not necessary, but I guess put down wouldn't be good either.  How about stopped.  Not as much gore and violence implied.

Thessaloniki Greece
 In 1915, during World War I, a large Allied expeditionary force established a base at Thessaloniki for operations against pro-German Bulgaria.[111] This culminated in the establishment of the Macedonian Front, also known as the Salonika Front.[112][113] In 1916, pro-Venizelist Greek army officers and civilians, with the support of the Allies, launched an uprising,[114] creating a pro-Allied[115] temporary government by the name of the "Provisional Government of National Defence"[114][116] that controlled the "New Lands" (lands that were gained by Greece in the Balkan Wars, most of Northern Greece including Greek Macedonia, the North Aegean as well as the island of Crete);[114][116] the official government of the King in Athens, the "State of Athens",[114] controlled "Old Greece"[114][116] which were traditionally monarchist. The State of Thessaloniki was disestablished with the unification of the two opposing Greek governments under Venizelos, following the abdication of King Constantine in 1917.[111][116]
The 1st Battalion of the Army of National Defence marches on its way to the Macedonian Front.

On 30 December 1915 an Austrian air raid on Thessaloniki alarmed many town civilians and killed at least one person, and in response the Allied troops based there arrested the German and Austrian and Bulgarian and Turkish vice-consuls and their families and dependents and put them on a battleship, and billeted troops in their consulate buildings in Thessaloniki.[117]

This must have been some of the history that Mom Anastis told me about the that little kitchen on Bloor St that smelled so heavenly.  It sounds very familiar.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 
 Happy Birthday to Joe and Robert!

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