Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018 Monday#BeHIspresence#Staycool#Dineout#Finances!

Get Faith
Genesis 28 10-22  This is the story of Jacob's dream where he saw the stairway to heaven with angels ascending and descending.  After Jacob has broken all the laws regarding family and ascendancy and then runs off - God still follows him and tells him that He is still with him and will watch over him wherever he goes.  He promises him the future that he stole from his brother Esau.  As hard as this is to understand, God had a plan.  He has one for you too, you just need to listen.  I have a hard time understanding the people of God in those days, still questioning and denying God when He was so close to them.  Then I remember in the new testament that tells me "Blessed are they who have never seen and still believe."  Our Father still has a presence in this world.  It is us.

Get Fit
After a weekend of too much partying, eating and drinking, and then, the cat getting me up at 5:30 am because it is light out, I still did the Daily Dozen.   Maybe just to punish myself.  It is so hot today though, unless you are  going to an air conditioned gym or the pool - be careful not to exhaust yourself and drink plenty of water.  

On this day
2010  My old teenage friend, Don and I had started hanging out, like in the old days.  It was fun to reminisce about the old days and catch up with our lives over the last 40 years.  On this day I met him on the west side and we drove out to Walled Lake and had dinner with his friends, Ken and Donna.  The restaurant is right on the shore of the lake and I really enjoyed that and the company.  We went back there quite a few times over the years, nice place.  Do you have a favorite place or places that you like to go?  Are they different in the summer than the winter?  Find a new haunt this season and enjoy!

1155 - Frederick I Barbarossa was crowned emperor of Rome. On this day the powerful German ruler Frederick Barbarossa was crowned emperor in Rome.  Maybe John Travolta could play the part of Barbarossa.

Thessaloniki Greece

Thessaloniki Municipality[edit]

The municipality of Thessaloniki (GreekΔήμος Θεσαλονίκης) is the second most populous in Greece, after Athens, with a resident population of 325,182[152] (in 2011) and an area of 19.307 square kilometres (7.454 square miles), includes the municipal unit of Triandria. The municipality forms the core of the Thessaloniki Urban Area, with its central district (the city center), referred to as the Kentro, meaning 'center' or 'downtown'.
The institution of mayor of Thessaloniki was inaugurated under the Ottoman Empire, in 1912. The first mayor of Thessaloniki was Osman Sait Bey, while the current mayor of the municipality of Thessaloniki is Yiannis Boutaris. In 2011, the municipality of Thessaloniki had a budget of €464.33 million[153] while the budget of 2012 stands at €409.00 million.[154]
According to an article in The New York Times, the way in which the present mayor of Thessaloniki is treating the city's debt and oversized administration problems could be used as an example by Greece's central government for a successful strategy in dealing with these problems.[155]  That's if you believe in the New York times.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Emilio, Leslie and Aunt Teresa 
in heaven!  

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