Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 10, 2018 Sunday#Truepeace#Cinnamon#independence#StDemetrius

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians 5:23  "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."  The God of peace.  He offers it to you and everyone, peace.  We search for it, fight over it, pray for it and wish it to all we know.  Have you heard the news?  Just today they mentioned 3 suicides - 3 suicides!  And, that is not all of the suicides that happened yesterday.  People have lost meaning in their lives, even with all the money they may have - they are missing something, something that can bring them peace and joy.  I concur, mental disease  is a huge problem in our world and needs to be cured.  I suggest that much more time be put into saving souls through Jesus Christ and giving people something larger than this world - a true peace that comes from knowing you are blameless at the coming of our Lord, to heal depression.

Get Fit
The Top 7 Benefits of Cinnamon

The use of cinnamon in many food preparations and wellness activities has overwhelming effects on human health. Its value has been recognized for many centuries. There was even a time when cinnamon was more prized than gold. Although these days, majority of people would opt for a 24-karat gold piece over a 24-ounce cinnamon bark, this bark-cum-spice offers so many healthy benefits. Its short of amazing how this bark can spice up our lives in more ways than one. I'm thinking big cinnamon bun!!!!

On this day
2000 At 15 our kids start getting more independent and get lives away from us. On this day we started out at Clintondale for a softball regional game that they lost 6 to 5. Then I went home and cut the lawn and washed windows. (Wish I had an ounce of that energy) While I went to Ty and Norma's in the evening - Nicole went to a soccer game with the Nieto's. I blame them for her dropping softball and playing soccer the next year. But we raise them to make their own decisions and become independent of us and they do, hopefully. Make sure you give them good skills and oh, God.

1776 - The Continental Congress appointed a committee to write a Declaration of Independence. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall for that one!  

Thessaloniki Greece

Byzantine era and Middle Ages[edit]

Hagia Sophia church was erected in the 8th century AD based on the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Hagia Sophia is one of 15 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the city.
Section of the Walls of Thessaloniki
From the first years of the Byzantine Empire, Thessaloniki was considered the second city in the Empire after Constantinople,[41][42][43] both in terms of wealth and size.[41] with a population of 150,000 in the mid-12th century.[44] The city held this status until its transfer to Venetian control in 1423. In the 14th century, the city's population exceeded 100,000 to 150,000,[45][46][47] making it larger than London at the time.[48]
Fresco of 8th century in Hagios Demetrios. Entrace of the emperor, possibly Justinian II, in the city
During the 6th and 7th centuries, the area around Thessaloniki was invaded by Avars and Slavs, who unsuccessfully laid siege to the city several times, as narrated in the Miracles of Saint Demetrius.[49] Traditional historiography stipulates that many Slavs settled in the hinterland of Thessaloniki;[50]however, modern scholars consider this migration to have been on a much smaller scale than previously thought.[50][50][51] In the 9th century, the Byzantine Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius, both natives of the city, created the first literary language of the Slavs, the Glagolic alphabet, most likely based on the Slavic dialect used in the hinterland of their hometown.[52][53][54][55][56]  Such a rich heritage!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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