Saturday, June 23, 2018

June 23, 2018 Saturday#Spiritisgood#lastinglegs#Goodhelp!#Archaeological!

Get Faith
Psalm 143:10   "Help me to do your will, for you are my God.  Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good."  The more time you spend with God, the more meaningful these words become.  Your faith in Him grows and as you age it gives you confidence to live in Him and hope for the future.  When we are young we like to do it "my way".  As life goes on we realize that we should have done it His way and we would be better off.  The good thing is God knows the errors of humanity, he knows we are weak and he welcomes us back, every time, into the fold.  Thank Jesus for that.

Get Fit
Go to Pilate leg workouts for some great ways to shape and strengthen your legs.  Don't forget not only do you want them to look good but more importantly you want them to last.  Keep moving!

On this day
2017  Last year I was still trying to keep the office covered at CK.  Lilliya, had come back this year but her heart was not in working.  On this day she called in sick, and I figured she was done.  I had been taking my neighbor Barb over there in the event we would need her and this was the day her career with CK began.  She is a great worker and takes care of keeping the office going.  She was an answer to a prayer.

1700 - Russia gave up its Black Sea fleet as part of a truce with the Ottoman Empire. I think a book on the who, what, when and how long -about the Ottoman Empire is in order.

Thessaloniki Greece
Because of the city's rich and diverse history, Thessaloniki houses many museums dealing with many different eras in history. Two of the city's most famous museums include the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and the Museum of Byzantine Culture.
The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki was established in 1962 and houses some of the most important ancient Macedonian artifacts,[208] including an extensive collection of golden artwork from the royal palaces of Aigai and Pella.[209] It also houses exhibits from Macedon's prehistoric past, dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze age.[210] The Prehistoric Antiquities Museum of Thessaloniki has exhibits from those periods as well.
The Museum of Byzantine Culture is one of the city's most famous museums, showcasing the city's glorious Byzantine past.[211] The museum was also awarded Council of Europe's museum prize in 2005.[212] The museum of the White Tower of Thessaloniki houses a series of galleries relating to the city's past, from the creation of the White Tower until recent years.[213]      Perfect day for a trip to the museum!  
Archaeological Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece (7457978664).jpg
LocationM. Andronikou 6, GR-54621, ThessalonikiCentral MacedoniaGreece
DirectorPolyxeni Adam-Veleni
  Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  

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