Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2006 Reprint

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015 Thursday #abs#Godprovides#workingmom#Latvia

Get Fit
My legs were overworked this week so I chose to do Abs of Steel which is laying on your back.  Now my legs and my abs are sore.  It is okay, it means it worked.
Get Faith
Matthew chapter 6:24 "No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money." As the study writer says - there is more to this than what you see.  I think the lack of money makes it more important to certain people than having an abundance of it does to some.  If you have two dozen pairs of shoes you don't worry about going shoeless.
On this day
1993 - A blank page.  It was a hard time to be in.  I had gone back to work after being home with Nicole for 8 years.  The job was at a construction company that I had no previous job knowledge of and there was no one there that could help me.  I went to the library to find out about construction law and read the computer book at night at home to understand the accounting system.  It was extremely trying.  I either didn't have time to write in my journal or didn't want to remember this day.
1880 - Thomas Edison began the commercial production of electric lamps at Edison Lamp Works in Menlo Park.  Remember this is the kid the teacher said was too stupid to learn? Because he was hard of hearing.
I told Mark that if I couldn't stay home with kids, I didn't want any.  I feel strongly about raising your children yourself - whenever possible.  It was no longer possible but I was fortunate in that my mother and mother in law were available to cover that time that the kids would need someone at home. It is no surprise that many children spend most of their time in daycare, school programs, or on their own after school at home.  Huge topic, what are your views?
Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy

Jekabpils Latvia

Facts & Figures
President: Raimonds Vejonis (2015)
Prime Minister: Laimdota Straujuma (2014)
Land area: 24,903 sq mi (64,500 sq km); total area: 24,938 sq mi (64,589 sq km)
Population (2014 est.):2,165,165 (growth rate: –0.62%); birth rate: 9.79/1000; infant mortality rate: 7.91/1000; life expectancy: 73.44
Monetary unit: euro
National name: Latvijas Republika
Languages: Latvian (official) 56.3%, Russian 33.8%, other 0.6% (includes Polish, Ukrainian, and Belarusian), unspecified 9.4% (2011)
Ethnicity/race: Latvian 61.1%, Russian 26.2%, Belarusian 3.5%, Ukrainian 2.3%, Polish 2.2%, Lithuanian 1.3%, other 3.4% (2013)
Religions: Lutheran 19.6%, Orthodox 15.3%, other Christian 1%, other 0.4%, unspecified 63.7% (2006)
National Holiday: Independence Day, November 18
Literacy: 99.8% (2011 est.)
Economic summary: GDP/PPP(2013 est.): $38.87 billion; per capita $19,100. Real growth rate: 4%. Inflation: 0.2%. Unemployment: 9.8%. Arable land: 17.96%. Agriculture: grain, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables; beef, pork, milk, eggs; fish. Labor force: 1.022 million; agriculture 8.8%, industry 24%, services 67.2% (2010 est.).         Note that Lutheranism is the largest religion - no wonder I have met so many of them latetly.
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!    Happy Birthday to Suzanne!!
Flag of Latvia
  1. Latvia Main Page
  2. Latvia Declares Independence and Seeks to Protect Its Ethnic Identity
  3. Political Unrest Grows as the Economy Falters
  4. Dombrovskis Resigns after Supermarket Collapse


Latvia borders Estonia in the north, Lithuania in the south, the Baltic Sea with the Gulf of Riga in the west, Russia in the east, and Belarus in the southeast. Latvia is largely a fertile lowland with numerous lakes and hills to the east.

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