Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018 Wednesday Halloween!#Grace and Peace#keep moving#Happy Halloween!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:2  "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."  And may the Spirit be with you.  We believe in the Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - one God.  It is possibly too much for mere mortals to understand but we try, but mostly we accept that it is a mystery that will go unknown until the day when we are together in God's time.  What we should take away from this from Peter is that our God grants us grace and peace - forgiveness and love. 

Get Fit
I did dancers legs exercises this morning.  I will be sitting in the car for a while and then not too much movement when I get up north so I figured I better move around a bit.  I will park away from the entrance to the rest area bathroom so I get a little walk in.  Hey!  Do what you can!

On this day
1997 It was Halloween and a Friday.  Nicole was 12 so I'm sure she still went trick or treating but all I have is we rented the movie Liar Liar.  I did Trunk or Treat last week, and we sometimes get a good group of kids trick or treating but not always.  Nicole will be in charge this year and Waynette will be here to help her,   Hope you enjoy your day!

1997 - Louise Woodward, British au pair, was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of second-degree murder in the death of 8-month-old Matthew Eappen. She was released after her sentence was reduced to manslaughter. This has a Halloween Horror movie sound to it.

Xenia Illinois 
We will be moving from here and I will let you know where to on Friday when I get back!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claudia!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018 Tuesday #Peace#Catechism#Nat Turner#Faith in Illinois

Get Faith
Romans 14:19  "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace."  Can we?  We disagree on politics (even get mean), about peoples life choices, their child raising skills, their health practices or lack thereof.  There is a huge generational split - (there always has been) but it is another thing people pick on.  "Oh those millennial's"  We need to make a concerted effort, look to our faith and what Jesus said about relationships.  Love your neighbor even if they are Muslim, black, old or young, Republican or Democrat.  At my age I am beginning to realize more and more that life is short and we can't always have it our way so we need to rest and wait till our turn comes along and in the mean time invite that neighbor that you don't like to dinner.  Ask them about themselves and listen.

Get Fit
Have you tried Pilates?  You should, then if you don't like it, when I ask the next time you can tell me why.

On this day
1996  I started teaching catechism at church the year before Nicole started it.  The structure of the classes were very different than the old style - Pastor preach the lessons.  They opened with music and the basic story by Pastor and often a game or two.  There were weekly projects that the groups had to do like, skits, artwork and filming based on the lessons.  Then the group leaders would take their group, I had 5 girls, to a room and teach the lesson.  I had 4 blond GP girls who knew each other and 1 black girl that didn't fit.  It was an interesting year, for all of us.  A great teaching moment, beyond the lesson.  On this night the leaders  had a huddle at Patty R's house.  We had them once a month to discuss problems, questions and just to support each other.  It was well run by Pastor Beebe and it worked.  While we huddled, the kids spent the evening with Bruce the youth leader and the high school group.  Remember Nicole?

1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history. I think they did a movie on this, or should.

Xenia Illinois
Last day here and then we move on.


Roman Catholics constitute the single largest religious denomination in Illinois; they are heavily concentrated in and around Chicago, and account for nearly 30% of the state's population.[85]However, taken together as a group, the various Protestant denominations comprise a greater percentage of the state's population than do Catholics. In 2010 Catholics in Illinois numbered 3,648,907. The largest Protestant denominations were the United Methodist Church with 314,461, and the Southern Baptist Convention, with 283,519 members. Illinois has one of the largest concentrations of Missouri Synod Lutherans in the United States.
Importance in the Latter Day Saint Movement[edit]
Illinois played an important role in the early Latter Day Saint movement, with Nauvoo, Illinois, becoming a gathering place for Mormons in the early 1840s. Nauvoo was the location of the succession crisis, which led to the separation of the Mormon movement into several Latter Day Saint sectsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest of the sects to emerge from the Mormon schism, has over 55,000 adherents in Illinois today.[86]

Other Abrahamic religious communities[edit]

A significant number of adherents of other Abrahamic faiths can be found in Illinois. Largely concentrated in the Chicago metropolitan area, followers of the MuslimBahá'í, and Jewish religions all call the state home.[87] Muslims constituted the largest non-Christian group, with 359,264 adherents.[88] Illinois has the largest concentration of Muslims by state in the country, with 2,800 Muslims per 100,000 citizens.[89] The largest and oldest surviving Bahá'í House of Worship in the world is located in Wilmette, Illinois, and the oldest standing mosque in the U.S. is the Al-Sadiq Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, located in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago. The Chicago area has a very large Jewish community, particularly in the suburbs of Skokieand Morton Grove. Current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is the Windy City's first Jewish mayor.

Other religions[edit]

Chicago is also home to a very large population of HindusSikhsJains, and Buddhists.[87]  
They seem to get along but racism is rampant.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018 Monday#Love and Hope#Push#Sunday school friends#South Illinois

Get Faith
Psalm 33:22  "May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You."  God loves his people.  Today I think of those people trusting in God as they sat in the Temple worshiping Him in Pittsburgh.  He was close and yet the devil entered in and killed those people.  We can rejoice with those who have moved on to their place with God but, how do we account for the loss and sorrow those left behind are experiencing?  Did God let this happen?  For answers I suggest you read "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner.  He can offer up some possible answers for you.  Our love still rests on the Lord and we STILL hope in Him.

Get Fit
I started the week with the resistance bands.  After the 24+ years that I have been working out for 3 - 6 days a week, I can still feel my muscles responding when I am done.  I have been trying to step up the reps I do and am rewarded with the knowledge that it is working.  Do as much as you can and then do 2 more, that is what I tell myself.

On this day
1995  Nicole brought her friend Bill Bellaire home from church for the day.  They were great friends and I was great friends with his Mom, Lynn.  We taught Sunday School together and she had an amazing ability to create artwork etc for our plays and her classes.  I was in awe of her.  Her kids were very imaginative also and Nicole loved to spend time at their house.  On this day I took Nicole and Bill to Memorial Park for their Halloween fest in the evening.  If you want  your kids to pick good friends - try taking them to Sunday School. 

1995 - Jerry Rice of the San Francisco 49ers became the NFL's career leader in receiving yards with 14,040 yards. Here is for you sports people - I just remember him from Dancing with the Stars.

Xenia Illinois
The third division is Southern Illinois, comprising the area south of U.S. Route 50, including Little Egypt, near the juncture of the Mississippi River and Ohio River. Southern Illinois is the site of the ancient city of Cahokia, as well as the site of the first state capital at Kaskaskia, which today is separated from the rest of the state by the Mississippi River.[26][48] This region has a somewhat warmer winter climate, different variety of crops (including some cotton farming in the past), more rugged topography (due to the area remaining unglaciated during the Illinoian Stage, unlike most of the rest of the state), as well as small-scale oil deposits and coal mining. The Illinois suburbs of St. Louis, such as East St. Louis, are located in this region, and collectively, they are known as the Metro-East. The other somewhat significant concentration of population in Southern Illinois is the Carbondale-Marion-Herrin, Illinois Combined Statistical Area centered on Carbondale and Marion, a two-county area that is home to 123,272 residents.[26] A portion of southeastern Illinois is part of the extended Evansville, Indiana, Metro Area, locally referred to as the Tri-State with Indiana and Kentucky. Seven Illinois counties are in the area.
In addition to these three, largely latitudinally defined divisions, all of the region outside the Chicago Metropolitan area is often called "downstate" Illinois. This term is flexible, but is generally meant to mean everything outside the influence of the Chicago area. Thus, some cities in Northern Illinois, such as DeKalb, which is west of Chicago, and Rockford—which is actually north of Chicago—are considered to be "downstate". 
    If you think that Illinois is just Chicago - think again!  This southern region seems pretty interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Barbara, Ashley, Jim and Katie!!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28, 2018 Sunday#Fear and delight#My sunshine#tour Illinois

Get Faith
Psalm 147:11  "The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."
We who are afraid to lose Him, afraid to be separated from his unending love, from missing out on his salvation that we have in Jesus Christ.  The fear of feeling that He is not there when I pray and fear He will not answer.  My hope is in God the creator, I delight in His ways and knowing that I am a child of His.  Please join us in our eternal Father.

Get Fit
No work today for me not even cooking for my daughter as she is going to camp shortly.  I have the job of not over feeding myself today and it will be hard  work.

On this day
1993   My journal says that Nicole got herself up, got dressed and made her own lunch.  Admirable for a 7 year old.  I had recently started working full time at Clancy's and it was a nightmare so I'm assuming Nicole was trying to help out.  Marty took her to school.  The computer system in the office at work was a non professional set up and so after reading all the manual on it, (because the girl left who handled the bookkeeping,) I finally got the hang of it,  when on this day a new computer guy came in with the accountant and the bosses wife and said they were putting in a new system.  It was a dark day to say the least and it made Nicole's effort to help that morning the bright spot of my day.  Plus Jan had picked up Nicole and taken her to Karate class so I could pick her up on my way home from work.  So on the days that you feel are a complete loss - remember that one little thing of kindness someone did for you - or - be that one spot of sunshine for someone that needs it.

1993 - Ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, called for a complete blockade of Haiti to force out the military leaders. Sounds like a possible movie instead of making us watch remakes of all the old stories.

Xenia Illinois
The midsection of Illinois is a second major division, called Central Illinois. It is an area of mainly prairie and known as the Heart of Illinois. It is characterized by small towns and medium-small cities. The western section (west of the Illinois River) was originally part of the Military Tract of 1812 and forms the conspicuous western bulge of the state. Agriculture, particularly corn and soybeans, as well as educational institutions and manufacturing centers, figure prominently in Central Illinois. Cities include PeoriaSpringfield, the state capital; QuincyDecaturBloomington-Normal; and Champaign-Urbana.[26]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 27, 2018 Saturday#Jesus loves children#strength#Potluck#Hamilton#Chicago!

Get Faith
Psalm 40:1,3  "I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry.....He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God."  I sing a hymn every morning from a book Waynette gave me.  It is 150 favorites with the history of each one.  So this morning I sang "Jesus loves the Little Children" which was so appropriate after giving candy out to over 100 children last night at Trunk or Treat at church.  God put a new song in my mouth when he gave me Nicole, it put me in touch with not just my child but so many others and I taught them songs to sing to God in Sunday School.  It was a blessing from God that I thank Him for always.  Jesus does love the children.

Get Fit
It is a nice cold rainy Saturday morning so I warmed up with weights.  I only use 5 lb weights but I have tried to build on my reps which I think has made a big difference.  I like to keep up my strength in case someone wants me to hold their baby. :)

On this day
1991 - We were still at St Paul Lutheran and they celebrated their 65th anniversary with a pot luck dinner.  Now I don't know about you, but, if someone says church pot luck - I'm there and Nicole too.  There isn't much better than all those women showing off their best dishes to a hundred people!  "Who made this potato casserole?  Who baked these rolls?  Who's kitchen did this pie come out of?
That means that this year is their 86th anniversary - I hope they have a pot luck!  I happen to be going to travelers tonight and we do pot luck every month!!

1787 - The first of the Federalist Papers were published in the New York Independent. The series of 85 essays, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, were published under the pen name "Publius."   I wonder if this is what "Hamilton" the play is based on?  Anyone?

Xenia Illinois
Illinois has three major geographical divisions. Northern Illinois is dominated by Chicago metropolitan area, or Chicagoland, which is the city of Chicago and its suburbs, and the adjoining exurban area into which the metropolis is expanding. As defined by the federal government, the Chicago metro area includes several counties in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, and has a population of over 9.8 million people. Chicago itself is a cosmopolitan city, densely populated, industrialized, and the transportation hub of the nation, and settled by a wide variety of ethnic groups. The city of Rockford, Illinois's third-largest city and center of the state's fourth largest metropolitan area, sits along Interstates 39 and 90 some 75 miles (121 km) northwest of Chicago. The Quad Cities region, located along the Mississippi River in northern Illinois, had a population of 381,342 in 2011.
  Great place for a weekend getaway!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandie C!!

Friday, October 26, 2018

October 26, 2018 Friday#Power of prayer#Soul man#Busy days#Terrorist warning#The American Bottom

Get Faith
James 5:16  "The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results."  Prayer is powerful.  I do think that the prayer of my friend John is heard and is powerful to the Lord.  I always am grateful when he tells me "I am praying for your brother", it's like a miracle medicine to me.  God hears all prayers and he answers - yes, no and maybe, and very often wait.  You can take you troubles to the Lord also, he is waiting to hear from you.

Get fit
Richard starts this Oldies exercise with "Soul Man".  And then I sing it the rest of the day.  Dancing is a great way to workout - especially cardio. When you are dancing you forget you are exercising and it also lifts your spirits.  Try it!  You can pull it up on U tube!

On this day
1990   I went to work and washed the walls in the Sunday school room while Nicole was in Pre-School, which was in our church.  Mom was at church also, helping to set up for the rummage sale.  I love church rummage sales, but people are giving them up.  It is too much work for the younger women.  And I have to ask, why?   Afterward Mom, Nicole and I went to McDonald's for lunch - and then went to pick up Aaron when he got out of school.  He was with us a lot of weekends. After dinner Nicole, Aaron and I went to the school for the Halloween party the PTA put on.  I worked 1/2 hour in the game room.  Fun days!!!

1990 - The U.S. State Department issued a warning that terrorists could be planning an attack on a passenger ship or aircraft. WAIT!  WHAT?

Xenia Illinois


Charles Mound, the highest natural point in Illinois at 1,235 feet, is located in the northwestern part of the state.
Though Illinois lies entirely in the Interior Plains, it does have some minor variation in its elevation. In extreme northwestern Illinois, the Driftless Area, a region of unglaciated and therefore higher and more rugged topography, occupies a small part of the state.
Charles Mound, located in this region, has the state's highest elevation above sea level at 1,235 feet (376 m). Other highlands include the Shawnee Hillsin the south, and there is varying topography along its rivers; the Illinois River bisects the state northeast to southwest. The floodplain on the Mississippi River from Alton to the Kaskaskia River is known as the American Bottom.
Did you know this?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Michele A and Nicky!!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25, 2018 Thursday#Redeemed#Walk#lessons#Revised law

Get Faith
Galatians  We just finished a study of this book.  It tells of Paul going to Galatia to try and straighten out the new Christian church there that had fallen under a group of believers that were still under the law.  Paul told them that as Christians, freed from sin (designated by law) that we were free from the law because Christ died on the cross to redeem us from sin and hell.  Now, that doesn't mean that we can do as we please, just that as newly saved people we were to live lives that reflected the love that God showed us in the redemption.  Because "God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son to die for us so that we would have eternal life."  John 3:16  In appreciation we worship God and love one another.

Get Fit
I missed my walk this morning, too much activity the last couple of days.  It is a beautiful Fall day so I might get a walk in later. (I can only hope)

On this day
1989  It was 79 degrees on this day so Nicole and I went on a bike ride.  She was four, so it meant to cross streets we had to stop at all intersections, look both ways and walk our bikes across the street.  She hated it but I believe it taught her the importance of being mindful of traffic when riding her bike later and I wouldn't be with her.  Later in the day we went to church and took Joey, our neighbor with us to set up for the weekend Halloween party for the kids, and we served 100 kids at those parties.  This one was a Noah's ark theme with kids making costumes of animals to board the ark.  Some lessons are for life.

1854 - The Charge of the Light Brigade took place during the Crimean War. The British were winning the Battle of Balaclava when Lord James Cardigan received an order to attack the Russians. He took his troops into a valley and suffered 40 percent caualties. Later it was revealed that the order was the result of confusion and was not given intentionally. How many of these have happened?

Xenia Illinois
In 1961, Illinois became the first state in the nation to adopt the recommendation of the American Law Institute and pass a comprehensive criminal code revision that repealed the law against sodomy. The code also abrogated common law crimes and established an age of consent of 18.[46] The state's fourth constitution was adopted in 1970, replacing the 1870 document.
The first Farm Aid concert was held in Champaign to benefit American farmers, in 1985. The worst upper Mississippi River flood of the century, the Great Flood of 1993, inundated many towns and thousands of acres of farmland.[29]   Interesting point in that early 1961 change in law, very timely.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diann!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October 24, 2018 Wednesday #God knows#Move#Home party#Where is Poland?#Nuclear power!

Get Faith
Psalm 16:1  "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge."  If He really loved me He would have let me win that lottery.  LOL  No, He does love me and keeps me poor for that reason.  He probably knows that I would go back to my party days.  I have tried to convince him that I wouldn't, but He knows better than I do.  He does keep me safe, in my world with his arms around me - secure in the life He has kept me in.  Remember - stairway to heaven, highway to hell.

Get Fit
After scrubbing the bathroom floor yesterday I knew it would be a challenge to work out with Jillian but I took it on.  I did better than I thought I would.  So, surprise yourself when you feel like you can't work out because you are tired or not feeling great.  Unless you are running a fever - move!   it might heal you faster than a day in bed would.  If you keep working out that second day pain never sets in.

On this day
1988  We had just brought our new puppy - Toto home and I was spending most of the day training him.  It paid off, he never had accidents in the house till way later when he got old.  He was a great dog despite his health ailments.  Then I had an appointment at Dr Bender, our chiropractor - Nicole go adjustments too, but the car seat was in Mark's car and he had to come home so we could put it in my car.  (How many of you have suffered the same problem?)  Later that day my neighbor Rose had a Home Interior Party.  And - coincidentally Nicole is having a Partylite party here tonight.  You are welcome to come.   Some things don't change, right?

1795 - The country of Poland was divided up between Austria, Prussia, and Russia. This is meaningful to me because my mothers family history is confused because the are listed as Polish on some papers and German on others.  Poland has had many names.

Xenia Illinois
Illinois had a prominent role in the emergence of the nuclear age. In 1942, as part of the Manhattan Project, the University of Chicago conducted the first sustained nuclear chain reaction. In 1957, Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago, activated the first experimental nuclear power generating system in the United States. By 1960, the first privately financed nuclear plant in the United States, Dresden 1, was dedicated near Morris. In 1967, Fermilab, a national nuclear research facility near Batavia, opened a particle accelerator, which was the world's largest for over 40 years. With eleven plants currently operating, Illinois leads all states in the amount of electricity generated from nuclear power.[44][45]
Did you know this?  I didn't.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandra and Sue R!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018 Tuesday#The way#Push#Busy at two#ocean port!!

Get Faith
Matthew 7:14  "Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."   Coincidentally I saw this on Facebook today.  Why is it there is a staircase to  heaven but a highway to hell?  We have lost the way - which is Jesus.  It pains me to think of those I know that deny God to lead a life that isn't necessarily great.  Why do we trade in peace, hope and a future for the short lived "pleasures" of life that don't really answer the questions we need to ask?  The Spirit of peace can give you so much more than a drink, or a smoke or drugs.  The companionship of God's family can offer so much more kindness and comfort than the streets of this world.  But there are still those who turn away from Jesus to find the way.

Get Fit
I worked out with the Pilates ring this morning.  No matter where I put the padded ring around my legs - it hurts.  The squats aren't bad but the leg lifts kill.  So you ask, Why do it?  It actually isn't as bad as some of the others that I do that don't hurt while I'm doing them, but the next day.  We all find ways to excuse ourselves so I have decided that I will push (literally) through these.  You do you!

On this day
1987  Mornings are different when you have kids.  On this day it says that while I had my morning coffee I watched Lady and the Tramp - again, with Nicole.  After getting through the breakfast and dressing part (Nicole was 2) we went over to Grandma Luvy's and went out to Lakeside Mall for some shopping and lunch.  Grandma was determined to buy Nicole a snow suit - which was probably pink if I remember right.  We had lunch and then went back to Grandma's house and waited for Aunt Jan to get home so we could visit with her.  When we got home I took Nicole for a walk.  Lot's of fresh air and exercise for that girl!  Tires them out too!

1864 - During the U.S. Civil War, Union forces led by Gen. Samuel R. Curtis defeated the Confederate forces in Missouri that were under Gen. Stirling Price.  Here are some more facts for Jeopardy.

Xenia Illinois
The Century of Progress World's Fair was held at Chicago in 1933. Oil strikes in Marion County and Crawford County led to a boom in 1937, and by 1939, Illinois ranked fourth in U.S. oil production. Illinois manufactured 6.1 percent of total United States military armaments produced during World War II, ranking seventh among the 48 states.[43] Chicago became an ocean port with the opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway in 1959. The seaway and the Illinois Waterway connected Chicago to both the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean. In 1960, Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald's franchise in Des Plaines (which still exists as a museum, with a working McDonald's across the street).  Good stuff to know!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, October 22, 2018

October 22, 2018 Monday#Mystery#Plank#Halloween Play#Population 12.4 million!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 4:7-10  "We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."  I'm going to think about this and get back to you.  What do you think this means?

Get Fit
Started out this week with the Daily Dozen.  I have lost the ability to do 3 - 1 minute planks.  I only got 1, the second one I got to 40 seconds and the third maybe 25.  Practice practice practice.

On this day
1986  I thought Marty moved in when Nicole was 2 but he was living here on this day.  I took Nicole over to Grandma Luvy's (my mother in law) and then cleaned Marty's room (he didn't want me to, but in my house it got cleaned, he adjusted and stayed 7 years.)  Later in the day I was out in the garage with 10 or 15 neighborhood kids working on THE HALLOWEEN PLAY.  We had so much fun.

1986 - U.S. President Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 into law. 

Xenia Illinois

20th century[edit]

At the turn of the 20th century, Illinois had a population of nearly 5 million. Many people from other parts of the country were attracted to the state by employment caused by the then-expanding industrial base. Whites were 98% of the state's population.[42] Bolstered by continued immigration from southern and eastern Europe, and by the African-American Great Migration from the South, Illinois grew and emerged as one of the most important states in the union. By the end of the century, the population had reached 12.4 million.  wow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Katie M!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 21, 2018 Sunday#Join in!#Healthy outdoors#Civil War & the fire.

Get Faith
1 Timothy 1:12-17  "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service."  This is so true in my case.  That after the life I had lived previously he put me in charge in the church in many positions.  He entrusted the children to me in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, I was the Outreach Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Director of Evangelism and so much more.  I am not bragging - I could not have done this without the help of many others and the knowledge that I was working for the Lord and He welcomed me.  The doors of church are open you are invited to participate, no matter where you are coming from.  You are warmly welcomed by Christ himself.

On this day
1985  I was still nursing Nicole - so I spent most of my time with her.  I had 5 trees - all Ash trees and that meant I had a lot of leaves.  I would wrap Nicole up in the stroller and rake leaves.  I'm sure it wasn't as cold as today.  We spent a lot of time outdoors, maybe that is why she still spends most of her time out there.

1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar occurred off the coast of Spain. The British defeated the French and Spanish fleet. Can't we just get along?

Xenia Illinois

Civil War and after[edit]

Embarkation of Union troops from Cairo on January 10, 1862
During the American Civil War, Illinois ranked fourth in men who served (more than 250,000) in the Union Army, a figure surpassed by only New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Beginning with President Abraham Lincoln's first call for troops and continuing throughout the war, Illinois mustered 150 infantry regiments, which were numbered from the 7th to the 156th regiments. Seventeen cavalry regiments were also gathered, as well as two light artillery regiments.[40] The town of Cairo, at the southern tip of the state at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, served as a strategically important supply base and training center for the Union army. For several months, both General Grant and Admiral Foote had headquarters in Cairo.
During the Civil War, and more so afterwards, Chicago's population skyrocketed, which increased its prominence. The Pullman Strike and Haymarket Riot, in particular, greatly influenced the development of the American labor movement. From Sunday, October 8, 1871, until Tuesday, October 10, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire burned in downtown Chicago, destroying four square miles (10 km2).[41Wow never realized that they would ship troops south on the rivers.  I'm learning something!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda Z and Millie 99!!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20, 2018 Saturday #Forgiveness#Push?#Clean living#Mental health help.

Get Faith
Matthew 6:12  "Our Father....forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  From the universal prayer to our God.  What does this mean?  That we should not hold others accountable when we don't want to be held accountable ourselves.  A bible story about a man that begs the king to not throw him and his family into being slaves to settle a debt, and the king forgives the debt but on the same day after being forgiven has a man who owed him money thrown into debtors prison.  Forgiveness is a two way street.

Get Fit
Worked out with the stretch bands, I only did the arms, shoulders and back. I guess that is something but I remember when I could go a full workout. I am not sure if I should push or accept the fact that I am 71.  What do you think?

On this day
1984  I was in my second trimester of being pregnant with Nicole.  I noted in my journal that it was my 10th week and I had been off smoking for 3 weeks.  Two of the best things I have had happen in my life.  It was sweetest day and Mark brought home flowers for me, he was good with that kind of thing.  We later went to Masters (which I think is gone now) to celebrate Tony's birthday.  We were joined with Tom and Geri, Sue and Vern and Ty and Norma.  I'm sure Theresa was there too, Tony's wife.  Other than Ty and Norma, who I am having dinner with tonight I don't remember the rest of them except Tony and he died of a stroke a few years ago.  It wasn't like the old parties I went to - I quit drinking as well.  All for you Nicole.

1984 - The U.S. State Department reduced the number of Americans assigned to the U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. I'm thinking not enough reduction.

Xenia Illinois

Chicago gained prominence as a Great Lakes port, and then as an Illinois and Michigan Canal port after 1848, and as a rail hub soon afterward. By 1857, Chicago was Illinois's largest city.[29] With the tremendous growth of mines and factories in the state in the 19th century, Illinois was the ground for the formation of labor unions in the United States.
In 1847, after lobbying by Dorothea L. Dix, Illinois became one of the first states to establish a system of state-supported treatment of mental illness and disabilities, replacing local almshouses. Dix came into this effort after having met J. O. King, a Jacksonville, Illinois businessman, who invited her to Illinois, where he had been working to build an asylum for the insane. With the lobbying expertise of Dix, plans for the Jacksonville State Hospital (now known as the Jacksonville Developmental Center) were signed into law on March 1, 1847.[39]  Nice work Dorothea!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Aaron G!

Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19, 2018 Friday#A quiet place#Yoga#Probation#MLK#Latter Day Saints!

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:24  "You can lie down without fear and enjoy pleasant dreams...." 
Mark 6:31        "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
What more can you ask for?  An invitation from our God and Savior to nap, rest and pray.  Curl up in a comfortable place with a blanket and a drink of water, read your Bible, maybe to Mark chapter 6 and see the rest of this peaceful thought.  Spend some time with God. 

Get Fit
In keeping with the same peaceful thought above I did AM Yoga.  It does start my day with a sense of physical peace and wellness.

On this day
1983  I had graduated from doing one on one with teenage probationers to Court night which was seeing those who had to report once a month or more.  That was an eye opener.  I learned a lot about reading people - as in truth or lie.  Some came in like they had just come from an office job - dressed to kill and some came in like they had spent the day in bed and just put on clothes over the pajamas.  It was not what it seemed.  I found the harder they went to fool you into thinking they were doing well that maybe they were the ones who had fallen off the bandwagon the worse.  The arms were always covered but if they would comply and show you their arms (for tracks) they might be good or just taking their heroin in a different spot.  I began to realize I was working harder for their good than they were in many cases.

1983 - The U.S. Senate approved a bill establishing a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. This was a good thing!

Xenia Illinois

By 1839, the Latter Day Saints had founded a utopian city called Nauvoo. Located in Hancock County along the Mississippi River, Nauvoo flourished, and soon rivaled Chicago for the position of the state's largest city. But in 1844, the Latter Day Saint movement founder Joseph Smithwas killed in the Carthage Jail, about 30 miles away from Nauvoo. Following a succession crisis (Latter Day Saints)Brigham Young led most Latter Day Saints out of Illinois in a mass exodus to present-day Utah; after close to six years of rapid development, Nauvoo rapidly declined afterward. This was interesting!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Steve and Tyler!!