Saturday, October 13, 2018

October 13, 2018 Saturday #Sweet Aroma#Snap cat w/resistant band#Lana!#White house#Good planning!

Get Faith
Ephesians 5:1-2  "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.  And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma." What does love smell like?  Chocolate chip cookies or a pumpkin pie baking in the kitchen?  How about a clean house, clean sheets and soap?  My little bedroom, was Mom's room and it still smells like her - Nicole and I both go in there and sniff.  God often asked for good smelling aroma's as offerings.  I'm going to a bonfire tonight, that will be the sweet smell of friends joining together in fellowship.  I'm also sure that the Oktoberfest at church tonight will smell of good food in celebration of fall.  What offering can you think of to give God in a sweet aroma?

Get Fit
I tried to work out with resistant bands and was interrupted by Nicole telling me the cat was outside making "cat noises".  I honestly try to ignore those sounds but got clothes on to go out and look.  Nicole had found him behind our house in the neighbors yard terrorizing some poor cat.  I finished my workout.  Arms, abs and legs!  It's a good thing.

On this day
1976  I lived in Birmingham and on this day I had a party for Lana.  It doesn't say but it must have been a Tupperware or jewelry or something, on of those home party things.  I had a good attendance;
Waynette, Mom, Adele, Bernice, Chris, Pam and Kathy, Karen and Adele's mother.  I don't recall this at all (the joy of journaling)  I should have put in more info.  Sending to Lana, maybe she remembers.

1792 - The cornerstone of the Executive Mansion was laid in Washington, DC. The building became known as the White House in 1818. Still standing!

Xenia Illinois

19th century[edit]

Prior to statehood[edit]

The Illinois-Wabash Company was an early claimant to much of Illinois. The Illinois Territory was created on February 3, 1809, with its capital at Kaskaskia, an early French settlement.
During the discussions leading up to Illinois's admission to the Union, the proposed northern boundary of the state was moved twice.[30] The original provisions of the Northwest Ordinance had specified a boundary that would have been tangent to the southern tip of Lake Michigan. Such a boundary would have left Illinois with no shoreline on Lake Michigan at all. However, as Indiana had successfully been granted a 10-mile (16 km) northern extension of its boundary to provide it with a usable lakefront, the original bill for Illinois statehood, submitted to Congress on January 23, 1818, stipulated a northern border at the same latitude as Indiana's, which is defined as 10 miles north of the southernmost extremity of Lake Michigan. But the Illinois delegate, Nathaniel Pope, wanted more. Pope lobbied to have the boundary moved further north, and the final bill passed by Congress did just that; it included an amendment to shift the border to 42° 30' north, which is approximately 51 miles (82 km) north of the Indiana northern border. This shift added 8,500 square miles (22,000 km2) to the state, including the lead mining region near Galena. More importantly, it added nearly 50 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline and the Chicago River. Pope and others envisioned a canal that would connect the Chicago and Illinois rivers and, thus, connect the Great Lakes to the Mississippi.  Somebody did their homework!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Lindsey A!!

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