Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12, 2018 Friday#Be kind#Be strong#Be dry#Pledge#French!

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:1  "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  It is easy to be nice and kind to someone who is the same but when faced with someone who is mad about something it takes an extra degree of restraint to not go the same way.  Certainly something worth working toward.

Get Fit
I worked out with weights this morning.  I like knowing that if I have to move something or do something for myself I will be able to.  I am thinking of that 40 lb bag of kitty litter.

On this day
1975  Anyone remember Downtown Detroit Days?  All the stores were still down there, Hudson's, Winkelemans, etc.  Those were the two I shopped at and they had great clearance sales, HUGE sales.  It was a Sunday Pete and I went down to shop, I bought a blue raincoat, that I now have no recollection of, not that it would still fit me, it wouldn't.  DDD, there were banners all over the streets down there! Hanging from light poles and splashed all over windows. 

1892 - In celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Columbus landing the original version of the Pledge of Allegiance was first recited in public schools. This is a positive action. I think.

Xenia Illinois

European exploration and settlement prior to 1800[edit]

Illinois in 1718, approximate modern state area highlighted, from Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi by Guillaume de L'Isle.[28]
French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet explored the Illinois River in 1673. Marquette soon after founded a mission at the Grand Village of the Illinois in Illinois Country. In 1680, French explorers under René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle and Henri de Tonti constructed a fort at the site of present-day Peoria, and in 1682, a fort atop Starved Rock in today's Starved Rock State Park. French Empire Canadiens came south to settle particularly along the Mississippi River, and Illinois was part of first New France, and then of La Louisiane until 1763, when it passed to the British with their defeat of France in the Seven Years' War. The small French settlements continued, although many French migrated west to Ste. Genevieve and St. Louis, Missouri, to evade British rule.[29]
A few British soldiers were posted in Illinois, but few British or American settlers moved there, as the Crown made it part of the territory reserved for Indians west of the Appalachians, and then part of the British Province of Quebec. In 1778, George Rogers Clark claimed Illinois County for Virginia. In a compromise, Virginia ceded the area to the new United States in 1783 and it became part of the Northwest Territory, to be administered by the federal government and later organized as states.[29] Connecticut ceded northern Illinois in 1786 (see Connecticut Western Reserve).

Can't we all just get along?  I see French food on the menu for the travelers group.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!
Happy Birthday to Mark and Bekah!

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