Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 3, 2018 Reprint from 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3, 2014 Friday

Kim and her resistance ring and a workout she calls Pilates.  It isn't really Pilates.  It is squats and leg thrusts and arm workouts using a ring with resistance springs.  I think if you did it longer then the 1/2 hour workout she gives you, it would work better, but it is ok for an off day.

2 Corinthians chapter 4 - Honest this is the reading today.
 vs 1 and 2 "Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.  Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways: we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God." 
It is important that we work together, love our neighbor and not accuse but trust that we all want what is best for God's work here on earth.

On this day:
2012 - Mom and I were up at Farwell.  My Uncle Hank, who was also my Godfather had died and my Aunt Teresa and the family had to deal with the funeral.  I felt my uncles hand on my back pushing me to go up there and take care of my aunt.  I am so glad we went, it helped her and the family get through a very trying time.  Its what families do for each other.

1893 - The motor-driven vacuum cleaner was patented by J.S. Thurman. Going to be using mine today! I get enough cat hair to make another cat from the bag.

Parenting - My friend Don's daughters were remembering that their Mom used the term "crackpot", which has an entirely different meaning these days.  Or with today's phone, it might be crockpot.  I believe I have been referred to as a crackpot and I know I have used the term.  Talk about a generational "thing".  Make sure you know which context you are using and avoid an argument.  Does anyone know where Don's crockpot is?

Ethiopia - history
This article covers the prehistory and history of Ethiopia, from emergence as an empire under the Aksumites to its current form as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, as well as the history of other areas in what is now Ethiopia such as the Afar Triangle. The Ethiopian Empire (Abyssinia) was first founded by Habesha people in the Ethiopian Highlands. Due to migration and imperial expansion, it grew to include many other primarily Afro-Asiatic-speaking communities, including AmharaTigrayOromosSomalisAfarsSidamaGurageAgaw and Harari, among others.  Our heritage is rarely from one single source is it?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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