Monday, October 15, 2018

October 15, 2018 Monday #Fear#plan#Seasonal problems#discriminate#Capital!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:1  "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom (or what) shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"  My brother is facing the end of his life at this time.  He is not strong enough to to fight the added cancer to his already health burdened body.  I pray for him and hope the Lord is good to him in his plight.  When this type of thing happens in a life - all the medicine and doctors can prolong his life but maybe not with the quality of life he wants for himself. I thank God that he has been faithful in his life and know that his faith will sustain him till the end and that is a huge relief.

Get Fit
I started the week with Pilates and always wish I would push myself a little farther.  I did stick it out for half an hour which is what I usually try to do.  Half an hour a day, everyday isn't bad.  Do what you can.  What Is your plan for exercise this week?

On this day
1977  Pete and I had moved into this house I am still living in earlier in the year.  The boating season was always more important than home chores so now that it was fall it sounded like we were doing a bit of nesting.  I can tell you it didn't go well.  Pete always went through his "after the boat is out" depression and asking him to help with anything around the house was a battle.  On this day it says he wasn't talking to me but he did install the washing machine.  Our relationship was very seasonal, different season, different problems.

1883 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It allowed for individuals and corporations to discriminate based on race. I had to read this twice to be sure I read it right.

Xenia Illinois

The State of Illinois prior to the Civil War[edit]

In 1818, Illinois became the 21st U.S. state. The capital remained at Kaskaskia, headquartered in a small building rented by the state. In 1819, Vandalia became the capital, and over the next 18 years, three separate buildings were built to serve successively as the capitol building. In 1837, the state legislators representing Sangamon County, under the leadership of state representative Abraham Lincoln, succeeded in having the capital moved to Springfield,[31] where a fifth capitol building was constructed. A sixth capitol building was erected in 1867, which continues to serve as the Illinois capitol today.  Here is an early example of your government spending our money!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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