Sunday, October 7, 2018

October 7, 2018 Sunday#Gossip#IT savvy#Transportation hub!

Get Faith
Proverbs 20:19  "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much...."  I don't believe they mean that everyone who talks to much is a betrayer.   I do think that people that like to talk can slip and say something they shouldn't, just in the interest of continuing talking - they hate to lose the spotlight.  I think I may have been guilty of that myself.  I admire people that hold their tongue in a conversation, for whatever reason.  Many relationships have been broken by a loose tongue.

On this day
2014  My neighbor's son Daniel had a report due for school and needed a computer to do it on.  He came over and used mine - it was a small thing for me but a big thing for a boy that age wanting to be like the others in his class.  It was the first of many times.  Not everyone could then or now afford a computer and a printer.  It puts underprivileged children at yet another disadvantage.  Yes, I know they can go to libraries, assuming they have had enough training at school to accomplish the task.  I hope that the schools are making progress to keep these kids on track with the rest of the world or it will be just one more reason they are falling short of what they can achieve.

1868 - Cornell University was inaugurated in Ithaca, NY. 

Xenia Illinois
 The capital of Illinois is Springfield in central Illinois. Although today, the state's largest population center is in and around Chicago in the northeastern part of the state, the state's European population grew first in the west, with French who settled along the Mississippi River, and gave the area the name Illinois Country. After the American Revolutionary War established the United States, American settlers began arriving from Kentucky in the 1780s via the Ohio River, and the population grew from south to north. In 1818, Illinois achieved statehood. After construction of the Erie Canal increased traffic and trade through the Great Lakes, Chicago was founded in the 1830s on the banks of the Chicago River, at one of the few natural harbors on southern Lake Michigan.[8] John Deere's invention of the self-scouring steel plow turned Illinois's rich prairie into some of the world's most productive and valuable farmland, attracting immigrant farmers from Germany and Sweden. The Illinois and Michigan Canal (1848) made transportation between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River valley faster and cheaper. New railroads carried immigrants to new homes, as well as being used to ship commodity crops to Eastern markets. The state became a transportation hub for the nation.[9]   We need to explore our own country and the wealth we have here!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Peggy and Judy!

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