Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018 Monday #God hears the heart#Mammogram!#Reunion#Air race#Jazz!

Get Faith
1 Samuel 16:7  "God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  I am comforted knowing that God knows what is in my heart because my mouth does not always reflect my heart.  Do you find the same with yourself?  My problem is I know what I mean but it doesn't come out the way I mean it and any corrections I make seems to make it worse.  God knows what I mean - He does not judge us on meaningless talk.  I refer back to the other day when I mentioned that I wish I could be more like those that think before they talk and listen more.  In the meantime I am thankful for a God who knows our hearts.

Get Healthy
This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I went for my mammogram this morning and I hope that you have had one or are signed up for one.  Prevention is the best plan.

On this day
2015  I drove over to the west side to catch up with some classmates from elementary school that were still in town after our high school reunion the past weekend.  I saw the picture of us that popped up on my Facebook from 3 years ago, today  It was great to see all of them and remember 60 odd years ago what we knew then and what we know now.  The "who will you marry" and "how many kids will you have" questions have all been answered. It is interesting to see what occupations and where people located to.  I have stayed in a 50 mile radius of where I started, like a lot of them but many moved out of state.  I had a few "after" reunions since then, it is a nice time together.  Are you happy to see them or rather not?  You be you.

1919 - The first transcontinental air race in the U.S. began. 

The first transcontinental air race in the United States begins, with 63 planes competing in the round-trip aerial derby between California and New York. As 15 planes departed the Presidio in San Francisco, California, 48 planes left Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York.  Interesting!

Xenia Illinois and beyond
By 1900, the growth of industrial jobs in the northern cities and coal mining in the central and southern areas attracted immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe. Illinois was an important manufacturing center during both world wars. The Great Migration from the South established a large community of African Americans in the state, including Chicago, who created the city's famous jazz and blues cultures.[10][11] Chicago, the center of the Chicago Metropolitan Area, became a global alpha-level city.   Great jazz!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Arlene and Blake!

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