Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 9, 2018 Tuesday #Peace#Strength#Separate paths#Yale#Land of Lincoln!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:9  "The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."  Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins, He died and was raised from the dead for that reason only.  While on earth He also showed us a better way to conduct ourselves in this world.  It isn't easy for a world of sinners, people who love this life and what it offers more than what our life with God offers here and in the eternal life.  WE are constantly reminded in reading the Bible that a life with our Triune God is a life of peace, which we all pray for.  I suggest we try to love our neighbors as Jesus told us - and have a little more peace in this world.

Get Fit
I also believe in keeping healthy so I can be of service to my loved ones and neighbors.  Today I got back to Jillian.  Keeping strong for as long as you can will give you a healthier life.  It will help you enjoy this life by allowing you to accomplish more and keep you from being a burden to someone else.  Do what you can!

On this day
2016  The night before was the Oktoberfest at First English and Kristin and Waynette had both stayed here over night.  So, on this day Kristin rushed out to her parents to go to her home church, while Nicole and I went to Christ Lutheran and Waynette went to First English.  We all have responsibilities at our respective churches and some days it takes priority.  Because the Lutheran church uses a standard preaching system we all probably heard the same sermon.  The point is, it is not really a social engagement - it is time with God.  Try to get yourself into the habit of spending an hour a week with God, you will be surprised how much peace that simple act brings you.

 1701 - The Collegiate School of Connecticut was chartered in New Haven. The name was later changed to Yale.   Good fact for Jeopardy

Xenia Illinois

Three U.S. presidents have been elected while living in Illinois: Abraham LincolnUlysses S. Grant, and Barack Obama. Additionally, Ronald Reagan, whose political career was based in California, was born and raised in Illinois. Today, Illinois honors Lincoln with its official state slogan, Land of Lincoln, which has been displayed on its license plates since 1954.[12][13] The state is the site of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, located in the state capital of Springfield, and future home of the Barack Obama Presidential Center in Chicago.  Good to know

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday  Cheryl!

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