Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25, 2018 Thursday#Redeemed#Walk#lessons#Revised law

Get Faith
Galatians  We just finished a study of this book.  It tells of Paul going to Galatia to try and straighten out the new Christian church there that had fallen under a group of believers that were still under the law.  Paul told them that as Christians, freed from sin (designated by law) that we were free from the law because Christ died on the cross to redeem us from sin and hell.  Now, that doesn't mean that we can do as we please, just that as newly saved people we were to live lives that reflected the love that God showed us in the redemption.  Because "God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son to die for us so that we would have eternal life."  John 3:16  In appreciation we worship God and love one another.

Get Fit
I missed my walk this morning, too much activity the last couple of days.  It is a beautiful Fall day so I might get a walk in later. (I can only hope)

On this day
1989  It was 79 degrees on this day so Nicole and I went on a bike ride.  She was four, so it meant to cross streets we had to stop at all intersections, look both ways and walk our bikes across the street.  She hated it but I believe it taught her the importance of being mindful of traffic when riding her bike later and I wouldn't be with her.  Later in the day we went to church and took Joey, our neighbor with us to set up for the weekend Halloween party for the kids, and we served 100 kids at those parties.  This one was a Noah's ark theme with kids making costumes of animals to board the ark.  Some lessons are for life.

1854 - The Charge of the Light Brigade took place during the Crimean War. The British were winning the Battle of Balaclava when Lord James Cardigan received an order to attack the Russians. He took his troops into a valley and suffered 40 percent caualties. Later it was revealed that the order was the result of confusion and was not given intentionally. How many of these have happened?

Xenia Illinois
In 1961, Illinois became the first state in the nation to adopt the recommendation of the American Law Institute and pass a comprehensive criminal code revision that repealed the law against sodomy. The code also abrogated common law crimes and established an age of consent of 18.[46] The state's fourth constitution was adopted in 1970, replacing the 1870 document.
The first Farm Aid concert was held in Champaign to benefit American farmers, in 1985. The worst upper Mississippi River flood of the century, the Great Flood of 1993, inundated many towns and thousands of acres of farmland.[29]   Interesting point in that early 1961 change in law, very timely.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diann!

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