Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 27, 2018 Saturday#Jesus loves children#strength#Potluck#Hamilton#Chicago!

Get Faith
Psalm 40:1,3  "I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry.....He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God."  I sing a hymn every morning from a book Waynette gave me.  It is 150 favorites with the history of each one.  So this morning I sang "Jesus loves the Little Children" which was so appropriate after giving candy out to over 100 children last night at Trunk or Treat at church.  God put a new song in my mouth when he gave me Nicole, it put me in touch with not just my child but so many others and I taught them songs to sing to God in Sunday School.  It was a blessing from God that I thank Him for always.  Jesus does love the children.

Get Fit
It is a nice cold rainy Saturday morning so I warmed up with weights.  I only use 5 lb weights but I have tried to build on my reps which I think has made a big difference.  I like to keep up my strength in case someone wants me to hold their baby. :)

On this day
1991 - We were still at St Paul Lutheran and they celebrated their 65th anniversary with a pot luck dinner.  Now I don't know about you, but, if someone says church pot luck - I'm there and Nicole too.  There isn't much better than all those women showing off their best dishes to a hundred people!  "Who made this potato casserole?  Who baked these rolls?  Who's kitchen did this pie come out of?
That means that this year is their 86th anniversary - I hope they have a pot luck!  I happen to be going to travelers tonight and we do pot luck every month!!

1787 - The first of the Federalist Papers were published in the New York Independent. The series of 85 essays, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, were published under the pen name "Publius."   I wonder if this is what "Hamilton" the play is based on?  Anyone?

Xenia Illinois
Illinois has three major geographical divisions. Northern Illinois is dominated by Chicago metropolitan area, or Chicagoland, which is the city of Chicago and its suburbs, and the adjoining exurban area into which the metropolis is expanding. As defined by the federal government, the Chicago metro area includes several counties in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin, and has a population of over 9.8 million people. Chicago itself is a cosmopolitan city, densely populated, industrialized, and the transportation hub of the nation, and settled by a wide variety of ethnic groups. The city of Rockford, Illinois's third-largest city and center of the state's fourth largest metropolitan area, sits along Interstates 39 and 90 some 75 miles (121 km) northwest of Chicago. The Quad Cities region, located along the Mississippi River in northern Illinois, had a population of 381,342 in 2011.
  Great place for a weekend getaway!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandie C!!

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