Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 16, 2018 Tuesday #Lord's day#Legs#Lost love#Yale#Slavery

Get Faith
Psalm 57  "Awake, my soul" Awake, harp and lyre!  I will awaken the dawn."  Would you like to wake up feeling like this?  Alive and with joy?  Alive to make the best of a day in your life, like you are the one who reaches up and turns on that sunshine?  You can be.  My source of joy and energy comes from the Lord. By starting out reading the Bible and hearing verses like the one above I am reminded that the Lord gives me this day, everything I own and all opportunities to serve Him with love and joy by being that light that he gives us in the Holy Spirit.  So today, as I clean my house and tend to my cat - I'm reminded of the good things I have in my life.  Later when I go out to dinner with my cousins and friends I think of how great God is to put us in fellowship with others to share our lives.  This is the day that the Lord has made!

Get Fit
I stuck with the legs today.  Jumping jacks, high knees, calf stretches, squats and lunges.  Then more of the same.  I like the feeling of not having to use my arms to pull myself up off a chair, pew or

On this day
1979  Pete had moved out but we still spent a lot of time together.  He called when I got home from work, I noticed that he had been over for dinner the night before.  As I previously mentioned we had seasonal problems, he was going through withdrawal from having his boat pulled for the winter.  I am still reminded that I still shared all the friends that Pete and I had (and there were a lot).  Jim Teiple came over and picked up Tupperware from me for his wife Sharon.  We four had been very good friends and spent a lot of time together.  I'm sure you have had the same experience of after years of sharing social activities with a couple, they divorce and you are left with a hole in your life.  It says a lot for sticking with a marriage.

1701 - The Collegiate School was founded in Killingworth, CT. The school moved to New Haven in 1745 and changed its name to Yale College.   Wow!  Yale is 317 years old - young compared to European schools.

Xenia Illinois
Though it was ostensibly a "free state", there was slavery in Illinois. The ethnic French had owned black slaves since the 1720s, and American settlers had already brought slaves into the area from Kentucky. Slavery was nominally banned by the Northwest Ordinance, but that was not enforced for those already holding slaves. When Illinois became a sovereign state in 1818, the Ordinance no longer applied, and about 900 slaves were held in the state. As the southern part of the state, later known as "Egypt" or "Little Egypt",[32][33] was largely settled by migrants from the South, the section was hostile to free blacks. Settlers were allowed to bring slaves with them for labor, but, in 1822, state residents voted against making slavery legal. Still, most residents opposed allowing free blacks as permanent residents. Some settlers brought in slaves seasonally or as house servants.[34] The Illinois Constitution of 1848 was written with a provision for exclusionary laws to be passed. In 1853, John A. Logan helped pass a law to prohibit all African Americans, including freedmen, from settling in the state.[35]  Interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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