Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 17, 2018 Wednesday #Follow Him#Walking#Weekend country#Saratoga win#Black Hawk War loss.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:24  "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  This is about putting Jesus first.  When you consider your life and what you want, make Jesus part of the plan - keep Him first in your life, in your heart.  Your life will be more meaningful He has kept you first in His.

Get Fit
I got up early to take a friend down to the VA hospital for a test.  When we got there I realized I was getting my walk in, the Detroit Vet hospital is huge and beautiful and full of vets coming and going.  I made it a point to take a little walk while Jim was in getting his test done - it was a few hours.  When we got done he said he wanted to go somewhere downtown for lunch so we went to The Hudson Cafe and were well fed. Then we drove through downtown and out Jefferson with a stop at Belle Isle and home along Lakeshore.  I feel like I have had my exercise.

On this day
1981  I was dating Chuck who owned a race boat called Love It.  That's how we met - racing.  But at this time racing season was over and he lived in Florida so we flew into Atlanta for the weekend where he met up with a friend that he was getting into business with.  We drove up about an hour north of Atlanta to look at some property.  It was really a beautiful area with low lying hills and open fields.  I think they were going to start up a horse ranch there, my memory fails me.  But it was a great trip with food at expensive places and great wine. 

1777 - American troops defeated British forces in Saratoga, NY. It was the turning point in the American Revolutionary War. This was just the answer on Jeopardy the other night!!  They must get thei material from the same place I do!

Xenia Illinois
Native women and children fleeing the Battle of Bad Axe during the Black Hawk War
In 1832, the Black Hawk War was fought in Illinois and current-day Wisconsin between the United States and the SaukFox (Meskwaki), and Kickapoo Indian tribes. It represents the end of Indian resistance to white settlement in the Chicago region.[36] The Indians had been forced to leave their homes and move to Iowa in 1831; when they attempted to return, they were attacked and eventually defeated by U.S. militia. The survivors were forced back to Iowa.[37]
Sad part of our history but no different than any other countries history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  
Happy Birthday Ruth!

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