Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018 Wednesday Halloween!#Grace and Peace#keep moving#Happy Halloween!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:2  "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."  And may the Spirit be with you.  We believe in the Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - one God.  It is possibly too much for mere mortals to understand but we try, but mostly we accept that it is a mystery that will go unknown until the day when we are together in God's time.  What we should take away from this from Peter is that our God grants us grace and peace - forgiveness and love. 

Get Fit
I did dancers legs exercises this morning.  I will be sitting in the car for a while and then not too much movement when I get up north so I figured I better move around a bit.  I will park away from the entrance to the rest area bathroom so I get a little walk in.  Hey!  Do what you can!

On this day
1997 It was Halloween and a Friday.  Nicole was 12 so I'm sure she still went trick or treating but all I have is we rented the movie Liar Liar.  I did Trunk or Treat last week, and we sometimes get a good group of kids trick or treating but not always.  Nicole will be in charge this year and Waynette will be here to help her,   Hope you enjoy your day!

1997 - Louise Woodward, British au pair, was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of second-degree murder in the death of 8-month-old Matthew Eappen. She was released after her sentence was reduced to manslaughter. This has a Halloween Horror movie sound to it.

Xenia Illinois 
We will be moving from here and I will let you know where to on Friday when I get back!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Claudia!!

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