Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20, 2018 Saturday #Forgiveness#Push?#Clean living#Mental health help.

Get Faith
Matthew 6:12  "Our Father....forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  From the universal prayer to our God.  What does this mean?  That we should not hold others accountable when we don't want to be held accountable ourselves.  A bible story about a man that begs the king to not throw him and his family into being slaves to settle a debt, and the king forgives the debt but on the same day after being forgiven has a man who owed him money thrown into debtors prison.  Forgiveness is a two way street.

Get Fit
Worked out with the stretch bands, I only did the arms, shoulders and back. I guess that is something but I remember when I could go a full workout. I am not sure if I should push or accept the fact that I am 71.  What do you think?

On this day
1984  I was in my second trimester of being pregnant with Nicole.  I noted in my journal that it was my 10th week and I had been off smoking for 3 weeks.  Two of the best things I have had happen in my life.  It was sweetest day and Mark brought home flowers for me, he was good with that kind of thing.  We later went to Masters (which I think is gone now) to celebrate Tony's birthday.  We were joined with Tom and Geri, Sue and Vern and Ty and Norma.  I'm sure Theresa was there too, Tony's wife.  Other than Ty and Norma, who I am having dinner with tonight I don't remember the rest of them except Tony and he died of a stroke a few years ago.  It wasn't like the old parties I went to - I quit drinking as well.  All for you Nicole.

1984 - The U.S. State Department reduced the number of Americans assigned to the U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. I'm thinking not enough reduction.

Xenia Illinois

Chicago gained prominence as a Great Lakes port, and then as an Illinois and Michigan Canal port after 1848, and as a rail hub soon afterward. By 1857, Chicago was Illinois's largest city.[29] With the tremendous growth of mines and factories in the state in the 19th century, Illinois was the ground for the formation of labor unions in the United States.
In 1847, after lobbying by Dorothea L. Dix, Illinois became one of the first states to establish a system of state-supported treatment of mental illness and disabilities, replacing local almshouses. Dix came into this effort after having met J. O. King, a Jacksonville, Illinois businessman, who invited her to Illinois, where he had been working to build an asylum for the insane. With the lobbying expertise of Dix, plans for the Jacksonville State Hospital (now known as the Jacksonville Developmental Center) were signed into law on March 1, 1847.[39]  Nice work Dorothea!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Aaron G!

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