Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018 Tuesday#The way#Push#Busy at two#ocean port!!

Get Faith
Matthew 7:14  "Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."   Coincidentally I saw this on Facebook today.  Why is it there is a staircase to  heaven but a highway to hell?  We have lost the way - which is Jesus.  It pains me to think of those I know that deny God to lead a life that isn't necessarily great.  Why do we trade in peace, hope and a future for the short lived "pleasures" of life that don't really answer the questions we need to ask?  The Spirit of peace can give you so much more than a drink, or a smoke or drugs.  The companionship of God's family can offer so much more kindness and comfort than the streets of this world.  But there are still those who turn away from Jesus to find the way.

Get Fit
I worked out with the Pilates ring this morning.  No matter where I put the padded ring around my legs - it hurts.  The squats aren't bad but the leg lifts kill.  So you ask, Why do it?  It actually isn't as bad as some of the others that I do that don't hurt while I'm doing them, but the next day.  We all find ways to excuse ourselves so I have decided that I will push (literally) through these.  You do you!

On this day
1987  Mornings are different when you have kids.  On this day it says that while I had my morning coffee I watched Lady and the Tramp - again, with Nicole.  After getting through the breakfast and dressing part (Nicole was 2) we went over to Grandma Luvy's and went out to Lakeside Mall for some shopping and lunch.  Grandma was determined to buy Nicole a snow suit - which was probably pink if I remember right.  We had lunch and then went back to Grandma's house and waited for Aunt Jan to get home so we could visit with her.  When we got home I took Nicole for a walk.  Lot's of fresh air and exercise for that girl!  Tires them out too!

1864 - During the U.S. Civil War, Union forces led by Gen. Samuel R. Curtis defeated the Confederate forces in Missouri that were under Gen. Stirling Price.  Here are some more facts for Jeopardy.

Xenia Illinois
The Century of Progress World's Fair was held at Chicago in 1933. Oil strikes in Marion County and Crawford County led to a boom in 1937, and by 1939, Illinois ranked fourth in U.S. oil production. Illinois manufactured 6.1 percent of total United States military armaments produced during World War II, ranking seventh among the 48 states.[43] Chicago became an ocean port with the opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway in 1959. The seaway and the Illinois Waterway connected Chicago to both the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean. In 1960, Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald's franchise in Des Plaines (which still exists as a museum, with a working McDonald's across the street).  Good stuff to know!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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