Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018 Tuesday #Peace#Catechism#Nat Turner#Faith in Illinois

Get Faith
Romans 14:19  "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace."  Can we?  We disagree on politics (even get mean), about peoples life choices, their child raising skills, their health practices or lack thereof.  There is a huge generational split - (there always has been) but it is another thing people pick on.  "Oh those millennial's"  We need to make a concerted effort, look to our faith and what Jesus said about relationships.  Love your neighbor even if they are Muslim, black, old or young, Republican or Democrat.  At my age I am beginning to realize more and more that life is short and we can't always have it our way so we need to rest and wait till our turn comes along and in the mean time invite that neighbor that you don't like to dinner.  Ask them about themselves and listen.

Get Fit
Have you tried Pilates?  You should, then if you don't like it, when I ask the next time you can tell me why.

On this day
1996  I started teaching catechism at church the year before Nicole started it.  The structure of the classes were very different than the old style - Pastor preach the lessons.  They opened with music and the basic story by Pastor and often a game or two.  There were weekly projects that the groups had to do like, skits, artwork and filming based on the lessons.  Then the group leaders would take their group, I had 5 girls, to a room and teach the lesson.  I had 4 blond GP girls who knew each other and 1 black girl that didn't fit.  It was an interesting year, for all of us.  A great teaching moment, beyond the lesson.  On this night the leaders  had a huddle at Patty R's house.  We had them once a month to discuss problems, questions and just to support each other.  It was well run by Pastor Beebe and it worked.  While we huddled, the kids spent the evening with Bruce the youth leader and the high school group.  Remember Nicole?

1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history. I think they did a movie on this, or should.

Xenia Illinois
Last day here and then we move on.


Roman Catholics constitute the single largest religious denomination in Illinois; they are heavily concentrated in and around Chicago, and account for nearly 30% of the state's population.[85]However, taken together as a group, the various Protestant denominations comprise a greater percentage of the state's population than do Catholics. In 2010 Catholics in Illinois numbered 3,648,907. The largest Protestant denominations were the United Methodist Church with 314,461, and the Southern Baptist Convention, with 283,519 members. Illinois has one of the largest concentrations of Missouri Synod Lutherans in the United States.
Importance in the Latter Day Saint Movement[edit]
Illinois played an important role in the early Latter Day Saint movement, with Nauvoo, Illinois, becoming a gathering place for Mormons in the early 1840s. Nauvoo was the location of the succession crisis, which led to the separation of the Mormon movement into several Latter Day Saint sectsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest of the sects to emerge from the Mormon schism, has over 55,000 adherents in Illinois today.[86]

Other Abrahamic religious communities[edit]

A significant number of adherents of other Abrahamic faiths can be found in Illinois. Largely concentrated in the Chicago metropolitan area, followers of the MuslimBahá'í, and Jewish religions all call the state home.[87] Muslims constituted the largest non-Christian group, with 359,264 adherents.[88] Illinois has the largest concentration of Muslims by state in the country, with 2,800 Muslims per 100,000 citizens.[89] The largest and oldest surviving Bahá'í House of Worship in the world is located in Wilmette, Illinois, and the oldest standing mosque in the U.S. is the Al-Sadiq Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, located in the Bronzeville neighborhood of Chicago. The Chicago area has a very large Jewish community, particularly in the suburbs of Skokieand Morton Grove. Current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is the Windy City's first Jewish mayor.

Other religions[edit]

Chicago is also home to a very large population of HindusSikhsJains, and Buddhists.[87]  
They seem to get along but racism is rampant.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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