Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 #month?

Get Fit
Last night some friends and I started a country line dance class.  If you are looking for a fun way to get some exercise, this is it!  So this morning I just did a muscle warm up and a little leg and arm weight work out with Denise.  Trick yourself into getting some exercise.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:1-11 This is about how being a Christian changes you.  The study writer says - "In reality, what people need - what all of us need - is not an external make-over but an inner transformation. "  Does it worry you that you will be changed in a way you don't like? 

On this day:
2003 - During the four years my daughter was in high school - I was in the Mom and Dad's Club.  It seems like most of my time was spent in the concession stand, either inside the school or outside at the athletic field.  Watching for a government program that will start paying for this and be retroactive.  Just kidding.

0313 - Licinius unified the whole of the eastern empire under his own rule.  Wow this seems huge but I don't even recognize his name.  Even big jobs go unnoticed some time.

Parenting - Took my daughter with me to the assisted living place with me, because as I told them - I needed more brains on it.  She helped a lot and even went on line for back up with government issues.  I'm hoping when I get to a retirement home there will be that pension for the parents that worked public schools for no pay for so much of their lives.  I guess our reward is in our children.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Looking for something to do one day, I scrambled out the side door.  She had a boxer that wouldn’t let you sneak up to their house.   I loved that dog, his name was Rocky.   I would go through the hedge - cross the alley and enter the gate to Maddie’s yard, no problem if the dog was in the house.  If he was in the yard he barked and jumped like I was a long lost friend.  He was a beautiful dog. It made me miss our dog Tippy that we had when we lived at the lake.  Dad got rid of her when we moved to the city.  I think because Mom couldn’t just let her out because the yard wasn’t fenced.  But I loved that my friends had dogs.
Kalkaska Michigan - packing up to leave here today, make sure you get your Kalkaska t-shirt and one for all your kids/grandchildren!  Moving to Las Tunas Cuba!
Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Adam!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28, 2015 Tuesday

Get Fit
Did some aerobics with Jane and friends this morning.  I have to do more walking to get ready for my Scotland trip in August.  I need to take my own advice!

Get Faith
Matthew 8:23-27 This is about the disciples being in the boat on the sea with Jesus.  He fell asleep and a huge storm came up and the disciples were afraid for their lives.  You probably know that Jesus calmed the storm, showing his power was from the creator that can control all things on earth.  Try and remember today if you have storms in your life to take them to the Lord in prayer.

On this day;
1997  We had a huge electrical storm a few days before and I was having a hard time with my office computer at work.  The lightening had hit the 2 way radio tower on top of the building and had traveled down the steel framework of the building.  The force had blown a manhole cover 20 feet in the air behind the building and knocked a couple guys in the shop down.  My desk was metal and I felt the shock as well.  On this day I tried to start my computer but the screen was like a rainbow.  We went out and bought a new monitor.  When we put it on the desk - same thing a rainbow.  I called the tech support, they came out and decided the metal desk was holding a charge and had to be removed.  I got a beautiful wood desk.  Moral here is get rid of that old steel desk you are using.

1997 - A worldwide treaty to ban chemical weapons took effect. Russia and other countries such as Iraq and North Korea did not sign. Sorry to ruin your day with this memory.

Parenting/Family; If you are young and planning your life don't be too sure of the outcome.  Just when you think you have it handled, something else comes up, like illness, house repairs, college education, job changes  and children with children moving back home.  Nothing is cast in stone you will find.  The best you can do is roll with the punches and pray.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
  Rick Nelson – Young Emotions
      My girlfriend Maddie lived in a colonial right on Outer Drive and had a gate to her backyard off the alley. We probably became friends because we lived so close to each other.  I never saw any other girls at her house.  But she and I developed a quick relationship.
Kalkaska Michigan:
There are many family oriented organized events held in Kalkaska County, such as
  • National Trout Festival (April)
  • Winter-Fest (February)
  • County Fair (August)
  • Blue Grass Festival
  • Strawberry Social (June)
  • Christmas in Kalkaska (December)
  • Library Annual Used Book sale (May)
  • Library Christmas Cookie sale  (December)  Leaving here soon don't want you to miss some of these other events!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Josh, Sarah & Julia!

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
There are so many opportunities to get going and only 10 or 20 minutes a day works.  Think about why kids never complain about aches and pains.  They are in constant motion, well ok not all kids some are stuck in front of a TV or video screen.  Get them moving too.  I did a little Pilates for Dummies this morning.  You can do it!

Get Faith:
1 John 2 John and 3 John.  Sounds like a lot but they are short new testament books, written by ....yep you guessed it, John.  The disciples were trying to get the word out about Jesus the Christ and it was catching on like crazy.  Who doesn't want to hear - your sins are forgiven, you are loved and you can have a better life and peace?  They didn't have a lot and too bad, too often, salvation is only a thrill to the poor.  Do the wealthy only find comfort in their wealth?  you can't buy eternity - it's free.

On this day;
1989 - Mom was too happy to be able to go to the Fire Station  with the co-op Nicole was in. Nicole was 4 and so excited to go.  Mark and I had to attend a funeral for Skip.  He was the son of my father in laws friend Wally.  The families were close and it was a sad funeral, he was a young man.  He lived the fast life and that too often leads to a fast end.  I would hope that grandmas taking 4 year olds to school outings, like the fire department, would offset children making bad choices later in life.  It worked for Nicole.  Take your kids to important places, it might make a difference.
1989 - Student protestors took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This was the right decision with a bad outcome.

Parenting/Family  Mom is not happy in the nursing home she is in.  It is too far out of her box.  At 93, it is too late to embrace other cultures and situations for someone who wasn't that out going in her lifetime.  I will try to get her moved into her comfort zone, asap.  When my time comes you can put me in the most diverse place you can find.  I would love to sit on a Sunday afternoon and listen to those three black ladies sing Gospel at the place my mom is now.  I can feel me some Pentecostal.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    Now it was little Leonard on Outer Drive.  It might have been now at the age of 13 that I realized what the chances were of something like that happening in all the places I had lived, and all boys.  Was I cursed?  I hoped we wouldn’t move anymore.  But after a while you forget about it.  Life goes on, especially for kids.  But I prayed to God that if this was a lesson I had to learn, to not make other children pay for it.
Kalkaska Michigan

Welcome To Kalkaska Michigan

Don't know how I missed this before!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Tim and Joshua T !!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26, 2015 Sunday

Get Fit - Take the dog for a walk later, or your neighbors dog.

Get Faith!  go to church.  Its the best place to find it.

On this day:
1985 - This was my last day at Quality Picture Frame.  I thought.  Being 38 years old and ready to deliver my daughter in a few weeks, the doctor said it was time to get off my feet and take it easy.  After working there for 18 1/2 years it was tough to leave, but I knew Chris and I would always be friends.

1952 - Patty Berg set a new record for major women’s golf competition when she shot a 64 over 18 holes in a tournament in Richmond, CA. This is for Chris, she's the golfer.

Parenting/Family - My daughter (30) had to miss church today to attend a first aid class at Red Cross for her work at camp.  Through school, when she was still under my house rules, she wouldn't be able to attend.  It was on the tip of tongue to say "tell them its a day of worship and you can't go".  I guess saving lives is a good reason to miss.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    Mom said she told her to take him to Coldwater but Lapeer was closer for visiting they said.  I think Mom felt bad that she had suggested they put Carl there.
     Mom took me to that funeral home.  Carl was in a little coffin with mesh netting over him.  I was probably eight at the time and stood staring till Mom made me move away.  Death seemed to be following me from house to house.  Did I do this?  It haunted me.  I couldn’t help thinking of those other boys.

Kalkaska Michigan -  A few more days here.
Kalkaska County:Kalkaska County was organized on January 22, 1871. The county seat was located in Kalkaska on July 14, 1873, and the Village of Kalkaska was incorporated on March 10, 1887. Woodenware factories such as the Freeman Factory, organized in 1878, and later the Kalkaska Handle Factory, produced all kinds of wooden handles, butter bowls, molds, paddles, towel hangers, clothes pins, toys and many other items, some of which are on display at the museum.

Logging camps employed many men, such as the Smith Lumber Company (1895) which employed 180. There were livery stables, blacksmith shops, a bicycle shop and ice cutting services in winter time. Early export products were lumber and wood products, bark, ferns, potatoes, mint, dairy products, apples, huckleberries, and later, horseradish. Other industries included newspaper printing (1874), a cigar factory (1892), numerous hotels and boarding houses.

Social events were sponsored mainly by schools, churches, lodges and clubs. Some early events included Oyster Suppers, Box Socials, Ice Cream Socials and concerts. The Opera House brought musicians, plays and concerts to the community. The Chautauqua held Tent Meetings and Variety Shows. Lyseum provided winter entertainment.
  Now that is interesting! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelly!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25, 2015 Saturday

Get Fit
Did some yoga this morning.  Its a new video so I'm not used to all the poses.  Good to try new things.

Get Faith
Romans 12:1-8  This is about using your gifts for the good that God wants you to do.  We are all gifted in different ways.  Paul tells us here to use our gifts that we are given - where you are or wherever you are sent.  Opportunities arise everyday.  Keep your eyes open.

On this Day
1984 - Mark and I were on our honeymoon in Key West with a hundred of our closest friends.  Not kidding we went to a boat race.  It was a great time, memorable but not the best honeymoon.  On this day I went to the Sandal Factory, lunch and hung out with Linda and Marilyn all day.  I'm sure Mark enjoyed hanging with the guys at the boat pits.  It was a blueprint for our entire marriage.  What did you do for your honeymoon?

1984 - David Anthony Kennedy, the son of Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead of a drug overdose in a hotel room. Hmmm was this in Florida?  Lots of drugs down there.

Parenting/Family - The transgendered subject on TV has opened questions with Nicole and I.  We wondered this morning if this would change Bruce Jenner's  gold medal status in sports history.  I suggested she should go on and win some as a female now, wouldn't that make for great historical news?  Proving that gender is not important unless it refers to reproduction.  What do you think?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

Mom felt so bad for Mrs. Owens.  Her little Carl wasn’t as bad off as my brother Donny, but he was still a lot of work.  Diapers needed changing, he had to be fed and carried around, and he was getting to be a hand full.  I won’t say Mom talked her into anything but shortly afterward Mrs. Owens put Carl in Lapeer State Home. It was very upsetting for the whole family and then he contracted an illness shortly afterwards and died.                          
Kalkaska Michigan  more things to do. oh the last of 8
Dingman's Bar
Bars & Clubs, Nightlife                Ok, golf, fishing and bar hopping.  Not a bad place.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue! 

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015 Arbor Day! Plant a tree!

Get Fit
Warm up and weights with Rita today.  Friday is my busiest day according to my fit bit.  These things are great for tracking you activity, calories and even sleep pattern.  Too much information?  I just use mine for the mileage.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:3-9  Praise to God for a living hope.  Even though we don't see him we believe, that's faith.  I am amazed at the joy I have in my heart for knowing my savior even though I have not seen him  with my eyes.  It's like knowing that air will be there every time you breathe in - you don't thing about it, you have faith it is there.  I thank God for my faith in Jesus Christ.

On this day;
1982 - My friend Linda moved to Texas.  She is still there.

1961 - U.S. President Kennedy accepted "sole responsibility" following Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.  sound familiar today?  It is what a president does. 

Linda and I were good friends.  She was the easiest person to get along with, enjoyed everything and experience we had - and has a good solid knowledge of who she is.  I was so very disappointed when she left but she was living the dream we both had, to see what it was like to live somewhere else.  Now, she knows.   Love ya, Linda!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

      I think little Carl was asleep in the front seat on his moms lap.  He was a sweet little boy.  And, at least he was part of their family.  Mrs. Owens just carried him around wherever she went.
Kalkaska Michigan
Grandview Golf Club
Golf Courses, Outdoor Activities   Actually this is 7 of 8 things to do.  It is a little cold today but at least it's not the bar hopping again.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandy and Dan!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015 Thursday

Get Fit
I worked on the abs today.  There are so many places to find work outs and programs available, I only hope to encourage you to do a little something to help yourselves.  My neighbor is 20+ years younger than I and I watched her creep out of her car yesterday.  She has a bad back.  Drugs kill the pain but don't fix the problem.  You have to strengthen the muscles that support the back.  Unless the damage has gone to surgeon stage, then you need to get it taken care of.

Get Faith
Exodus 4:10-17  This goes back to Moses first encounters with God.  Moses felt inadequate to speak of God to people.  He told God to get someone else.  God gave him his brother Aaron and a stick and said "get out there!"  I too get tongue tied in some situations, but I can blog.  We use the tools God gives us.  The best message you can share is through your actions - and remember God is always with you.

On this day;
 1979 - After work I came home raked the yard, cleaned the house and made dinner.  My nemesis, Pete stopped by in time for dinner and then fixed the porch light and the muffler on my car.  That was 36 years ago, I was 32, you can accomplish a lot in one day at that age.  Pete and I could not fix our relationship though, but it dragged on for years.  If you have had a soul mate for many years - consider yourself blessed. 

1997 - An infertility doctor in California announced that a 63-year-old woman had given birth in late 1996. The child was from a donor egg. The woman is the oldest known woman to give birth. Not now, a 66 year old woman in Germany is pregnant.

Can't pass up that subject.  Both women were artificially inseminated.  Why?  is my only question.  I guess if it is someone else that will raise the child it would be ok.  What do you think?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

Oh the music and the dancing, the pretty girls and the handsome guys dancing around in checkered skirts and shirts.  It was a long movie but I never fell asleep.  I was spellbound.  Ohhhhhh  to have Gordon Macray look at me like that.  I was in love.  It was the stuff little girls dreams were made of, mine and a lot others I’m sure.
Kalkaska Michigan
Bars & Clubs, Nightlife   OK we are still bar hopping, I'm sure there is something else here?

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Morgan!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015 Wednesday Earth Day!

Get Fit
Zone Trainer with Kim.  It is a type of Pilates using a resistance ring.  Hey, something different, I get bored.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:20-32  This is about Christian living.  We are forever trying to live better lives, dieting, exercising, eating better etc.  This tells you to give up your old ways and take on new life.  For your self and others. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  Live a better life.

On this day;
1978 - My brother Mark had a friend that was in a play at a school in Pleasant Ridge.  It was the Sound of Music.  He asked me to go with him. I spent a lot of time with Mark and I love all the memories.  Even though I was 10 years older he dragged me around to meet his friends.  He was a fore runner in having a group of diverse people around him.  I'll bet he still does.  Do you surround yourself with people you are familiar with or do you look outside the box for friends?

1970 - The first "Earth Day" was observed by millions of Americans.

They have been running a program on children that are transgendered on channel 4 today.  Children as young as 4 years old knowing they are not what people assume they are.  A little boy was born into a girls body.  He is still a child so the decisions will be his as to what he wants to do.  Bravo to parents who allow their kids (and it can be tough) to be who they want to be.  It is other people telling you to make her wear a dress or look like a girl, when she is not feeling it.  Nicole had a friend that lived that experience and when an adult made the physical changes from woman to man.  I believe that parents that force behavior on children will pay the price later for it.

Come Get These Memories -of the Sixties (excerpt)
We were stuffing our mouths with popcorn, wide eyed watching those cartoon characters and then the screen lit up with advertising for the concession stand and upcoming movies.  There were dancing hotdogs and pizza’s with faces.  I thought it was pretty funny the first time I saw it.  Finally, Oklahoma came on. 

Kalkaska Michigan


Bars & Clubs, Nightlife   Ok  not a lot to do here.  We are bar hopping!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April 21, 2015 Tuesday

Get Fit
Did some line dancing with Denise Austin.  Its a good way to get going.  Don and I and some friends of ours are starting line dance lessons this week at a local school.  It's a great way to get some exercise and have some fun!  Look around see what you can find!

Get Faith
Joshua 5:13-6:5  Joshua beat the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down.  I have heard stories of how a troop of soldiers or people marching to a steady beat and causing a steady rhythm or vibration can cause structures like buildings or bridges to crumble.  Some will find a way to explain these things.  It's ok, but I believe, however he did it, God orchestrated the walls of the city falling to Joshua and I know Joshua and the Israelites believed it.  Have faith.

On this day;
1975 - I was working two jobs - one was a home party show with Mexican imports.  My kit weighed 400 lbs.  There was pottery, wrought iron and stoneware, nice stuff and I did well with it.  On this day my friend Waynette and her sister went with me to the party.  I think Barb was considering selling at home parties and I was training her.  I did a lot of these type things, this was the most successful company that I sold for.

1975 - South Vietnam president, Nguyen Van Thieu, resigned, condemning the United States.  that's the thanks we get. hmmm.

Parenting/Family - I mentioned the young couple that got burned out of their house the other day?  A lot of friends and people have stopped by to lend a hand, drop off donations and offer opportunities.  The people in my world are kind and caring.  I hope they are in your world too.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

    They were nice girls and listened to their mom and dad.  They told me about how fun it is to go play on the slide and monkey bars before the show.  But then their dad was back and the cartoons started on the big screen, up in the sky in front of the car.  We girls had to move around till we could see around Mr. and Mrs. Owens heads and over the seat. 
Kalkaska Michigan

Whitetails - AKA - Fireball

Bars & Clubs, Nightlife   Have to go here and see what it is! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don and Michael!

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015 Monday

Get Fit;
Did Pilates today to start the day!  Make sure you drink the 8oz of water, FIRST thing when you get up in the morning.  Get your motor running.

Get Faith:
Matthew chapter 5:10-12 From the Beatitudes -  "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."  This is for those of us who are horrified at the Christians being slaughtered in Libya. Our heroes are also sainted by their service.

On this day:
1998 - Kenyan runner Moses Tanui, 32, won the Boston Marathon for the second time. He also registered the third fastest time with 2 hours 7 minutes and 34 seconds. As Christians are supposed to be non violent, I pray that God would make them as fast as this guy to get out of harm's way.

1974 - It was a Saturday and I called around looking for someone to do something with.  Nobody home, so I got in the car and started driving around.  My friend Judy was having a garage sale, so she didn't hear the phone, kept driving, couldn't find a soul anywhere.  I think I decided everyone was avoiding me and went home disappointed.  They all showed up at my house an hour later.  They had been partying and had called me a million times, with no answer and I didn't have an answering machine.  That was life before cell phones.  Now I never miss a thing.

Nothing says family love like being remembered on your birthday.  I love that Don's family always get together and celebrate each one's birthday.  It keeps them close and gives children that all important support of family love.  I'm going to help celebrate Dan's birthday tonight.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     “Mom, can we go play on the swings and stuff?” Asked Carol and joined by Cathy
    In the front of the huge movie screen was a playground with kids sliding down a huge slide, hanging off of monkey bars and flying back and forth on swings.  It was a good idea to tire them out before the show, than you could watch the movie in peace.
     “No we got here too late and you have your pajamas on, maybe the next time girls.”  Mrs. Owens said.
Kalkaska Michigan:

Lamberson's Antique and Gift Shop


You added Lamberson's Antique and Gift Shop to your Saves list  Hope they are open on Monday!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday to Dan & Gregg!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19, 2015 Sunday

Get Fit
A day of rest.  I think resting from a lot of activity and work one day is a good idea no matter who ordered it, but I take my lead from higher power. 

Get Faith
Psalm 103 - is my favorite.  It speaks to me of my life and my promise in God. "Praise the Lord, my soul: all my inmost being, praise his holy name."

On this day:
2009 - This might be the day Nicole decided to not go into the family business.  Her Aunt Jan picked her up and took her to the marina to help with getting boats ready to go into the water.  Jan had a business that was for the better part - woodworking, teak specifically.  On the worse side it was sanding and painting bottoms of boats.  Very hard on the arms and back. 

1897 - The first annual Boston Marathon was held. It was the first of its type in the U.S.
1951 - Shigeki Tanaka won the Boston Marathon. Tanaka had survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima, Japan during World War II.
1993 - The Branch-Davidian’s compound in Waco, TX, burned to the ground. It was the end of a 51-day standoff between the cult and U.S. federal agents. 86 people were killed including 17 children. Nine of the Branch Davidians escaped the fire.
1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, was destroyed by a bomb. It was the worst bombing on U.S. territory. 168 people were killed including 19 children, and 500 were injured. Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the bombing on June 2, 1997.
I just thought this was an odd bit of history for one day.

Family/Parenting - Some days these events fall into your lap.  The house 3 door down burned.  Nicole shouted to me from the living room and I ran out the door to see if I could help.  It is just in my nature.  The young couple that lived there were not home but we thought the dog was in the house which was in full flame.  Ty busted in the front door (after feeling it for heat) with a sledge hammer, but no dog.  We were so sad.  When the young couple arrived after an hour or so it was heartbreaking to see the young mom, who is pregnant and holding her 10 month old son crumple to the ground when she saw her house.  We took the family in to keep  them from the news and give them shelter and comfort.  The dog was in their car.  That's when I cried.  From relief.

Come Get These Memories - Of the Sixties (excerpt)
     Mr. Owens was real nice.  He was very tall and thin and not as good looking as my dad, but he had a real happy face.  He opened the car door to get out and then turned to us in the back.
    “How about some pop and popcorn?  Jean would you like pop and popcorn or would you like a hot dog or chips?  Or an ice cream?”  He beamed at me.  What a nice man.
     “I like pop and popcorn or whatever everyone else is having Mr. Owens.”  Not wanting to be picky and not get asked back again.
     “Ok, I’ll be right back; you girls keep the doors locked.”  He replied fatherly.  Even though the windows were down.
Kalkaska Michigan
There's a place called Shirley's in the Woods CafĂ© on M72.  How about Sunday dinner?  It gets pretty good reviews!  C'mon!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sherri!!, Kayla and Robyn!!