Saturday, April 18, 2015

Arpil 18, 2015 Saturday

Get Fit
If you missed going to the gym this morning or couldn't get started - go for a walk later.  Plan on getting some activity in today.  Plan to succeed.  I'm going for that walk.

Get Fit
Isaiah 40:6-11, 28-31 Our lives are short here on earth.  When you are young you believe you are immortal and as you get older you begin to realize you are not.  Isaiah tells us that like flowers we wither and die, why would he say that?  To make us sad?  To make us think we are worthless?  Why are all the elderly not screaming and crying because their time grows close?  Those of us with faith trust in the Lord to care for us.  What do those without faith do to comfort themselves? 

On this day:
2007 - Mom dropped me at work and kept the car.  She had a doctor appointment.  That was 8 years ago and a lot can happen in 8  years.  I had to take mom's keys away, she was having minor scrapes and bumps, so in her - and possibly someone else's best interest, she stopped driving.  She still misses it but now is in a wheelchair and won a race in the hallway at the nursing home the other day.  We will see where that leads.
1924 - Simon and Schuster, Inc. published the first "Crossword Puzzle Book." Mom spends most of her day doing crossword puzzles now.  Thanks to Simon and Schuster!

Parenting/Family - Nicole and I spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning the garage.  Sounds horrible but it is actually a rite of spring.  Her real objective is to be ready for that kegger on her birthday.  30 this year! phew!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     We pulled into the parked line of cars and the front of the car was pointed into the air.  Carol, Cathy and I all had our pajama on and pillows in the back seat.  Mr. and Mrs. Owens rolled down the windows and Mr. Owens pulled a silver box attached to wires into the car and hung it on his window.  He turned it up till you could hear some music and people talking about the food concession stand on it, like a radio. 
Kalkaska Michigan

#1 of 8 things to do in Kalkaska
#2 of 8 things to do in Kalkaska
4 of 5 stars 1 review   Hang in there I will show you the other 6 things to do tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle!

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