Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015 Wednesday April Fool's Day!

Get Fit
Abs and arms this morning.  I have graduated to 5 lb weights so I feel the workouts again.  Keep up your strength!

Ephesians 3;7-8   Speaks  "of the boundless riches of Christ."  The study writer today talked of all that you know that is wonderful, everything of this world that you love - will pass away. That is why you should know the Creater.  He has  boundless riches that he wants to share with you into eternity.

On this day:
2004 - It was Uncle Marty's 49th birthday. He was in the hospital and had a craniotomy? the day before after an aneurism had stolen part of his brain.  Nicole and I went to see him and sing happy birthday.  He never missed our birthdays, it seemed appropriate.  He was a great character, we loved him.
2004 - Gateway Inc. announced that it would be closing all of its 188 stores on April 9.  I think this was the computer company, but not sure.  have to look.

Parenting/Family - I have mentioned that my house is always full.  My husband's friend, Marty, moved in when Nicole was two.  He had an apartment fire and was looking for a new place.  He stayed here 7 years.  He was a strong influence on Nicole - taught her everything he knew about sports and now she knows everything.  He also paid the kids for "clean plates" at dinner.   Nicole also learned how to clean her room from Uncle Marty.  (April fools)

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     I immediately wondered why no one had asked me if I lived close to church.  Wasn’t I pretty?  I guess no one thought so.  Judy was real pretty.  She had very soft light blond hair and a real perfect nose and teeth and she never had a pimple.  She had a really cute figure, smaller than me and shorter.  She was in every way more attractive to boys then I was.  Brenda Lee was singing – I Want to Be Wanted.

Kalkaska Michigan
Kalkaska, MI
This was the suggested location for this month.  We will have to look hard to fill the month, it is a small community.  But the travelers group might just actually travel to this place!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Marty ^

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