Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2011 Thursday

Get Fit
Tried some Tone and Stretch with Richard this morning.  Wasn't feeling it...have to skip this day.  If you have an off day due to schedule or health issues don't let it sideline you.  Get back on the track as soon as possible.

Psalm 119:1-8 This is the longest psalm and covers a lot, but these verses speak to praying for strength to do the right thing and thanking God for forgiveness when we fall short.  We all know what the right things are - the Ten Commandments, and for the most of us we TRY to keep them.  He knew how hard it is for humans to obey all the rules so He reinforced his forgiveness in Jesus Christ. For you.

On this day;
1979 - My niece and god daughter Lindsey Ann was born.  It was one of the worse ice storms on record.  The ice was so heavy on the trees that the limbs broke and took down power lines.  The roads were horrible and there were a lot of accidents.  But Lindsey got here with no problems.  She just wanted to make a grand entrance I guess.  We all slid over to the hospital to see her and check on Mom, Adele. 

1866 - The Civil Rights Bill passed over U.S. President Andrew Johnson's veto. Lindsey's birth was definitely the highlight of this day over the years.

Parenting/Family - It is so difficult to go through changes in family life.  Children go off to college, get married, elder parents move in and then out, children move back in after college, some with families including children and pets.  Death is a huge upheaval in a person's life.  You have to rethink your entire existence.  From past history, I have learned to wait and see what happens next while adjusting to the differences in my life.  Talk to people that have had similar situations and done well through it to help yourself out. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
    There was an alley behind those houses on Outer Drive, so it ran right alongside of our driveway.  Mom planted some hedges there to hide the alley. The alley T shaped to go behind our house also.  Back in those days the garbage trucks drove down those alleys to pick up your rubbish.  It doesn’t seem like there was as much garbage as today, we just had one or two galvanized garbage cans out back for them to empty into the truck.  The alley was clean and we even had rhubarb growing behind the garage. That became a well traveled path for me in the future.


Travel and Recreation[edit]

The many surrounding Lakes and streams lure travelers into the village. Kalkaska offers two major festivals, the National Trout Festival at the end of April, and the WinterFest which is held in January.
The first weekend of November brings with it the Iceman Cometh biking challenge. Kalkaska hosts the starting line for a 27.2 mile off-road biking race that runs from the heart of the village to Traverse City along the VASA Trail. The turnout for the race very easily doubles the population within the village, numbering in the several of thousands. For mountain biking enthusiasts, this is a famous race, and completing the race is an achievement in itself.
In addition the village has several parks, including the newly expanded KART trail which is planned to be connected with the TART Trail.   So, we could go for the National Trout Festival!  and later when the weather is nice we can trail bike on the VASA trail or the Kart and Tart trail.  That opens possibilities, huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  happy birthday to Lindsey! Jim ! and Julie!

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