Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12, 2015 Sunday

A day of rest:

Get Faith
Ezekiel 29:1-9  God tells Ezekiel the prophet in Egypt to tell Pharaoh that He created the Nile and it did not belong to him and that He would kill him for thinking that way.  We do great damage to ourselves by not remembering the creator and giving him thanks for all we have.  It is not in your best interest to consider yourself your only benefactor.  You probably have a lot of people to thank for what you are and what you have.  Spend a little time with God today.

On this day;
1986 My friend Norma came over to see Nicole, more than me I think.  Nicole was not a year old yet.  She played with her and fed her all those precious things you do with an infant.  Norma and Nicole still love each other, she is Aunt Norma to Nicole.

1811 - The first colonists arrived at Cape Disappointment, Washington. There are very obvious things that could be said about this bit of factual news. 

Last night Don and I were over at Ty and Norma's for dinner.  We are still best of friends.  They never had children which I know was a disappointment to Norma, she would have been a great mom.  She has been a wonderful mothering person to everyone around her, including her niece Alexsis.  Nicole and Alexsis will be the ones to look out for her in her old age. (I have let them know).  Thank you Norma for the love and concern you have for me.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     When we lived on Packard in Detroit I was only 4 when the news was about a little boy named Joey.  It seems the kids had been playing in his basement.  Cowboys and Indians I guess.  Joey was an Indian and got tied to the post sitting on a small chair.  A chase ensued and the kids all ran up the stairs and out the door forgetting that Joey was tied up.  He apparently struggled with the ropes that held him until the chair slipped out and he strangled on the rope around his neck.  The neighborhood was all upset and it even made the news, and I never forgot it.
Kalkaska Michigan

Notable people from Kalkaska

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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