Saturday, April 4, 2015

Aprpil 4, 2015 Saturday

Get Fit 
I had to have a procedure in the hospital yesterday, had some unidentified spots in my lungs.  Being in good health doesn't always mean you won't get something.  I do believe that you recover faster and keep a better outlook if you are in good health.  I feel like a truck hit me this morning but Monday I will get back on track with exercising.  Plan on staying in your routine!

Ephesians 3:20-21 "Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever."  Amen. Replacing the fear of the law is a gift from God in love that Jesus had for us in giving his life and the peace we know that salvation is ours. Praise be to God.

On this day:
2007 - My daughter was in college getting a degree in education. "They" must have riled me up.  I quipped this in my journal; When will the uneducated masses finally realize that the best thing you can put into a classroom is a well educated teacher?  This opens a lot of lines of thought, but what comes to mind now is: Why can't they make master degrees available to teachers that are not paid well enough to afford them? 

 1687 - King James II ordered that his declaration of indulgence be read in church.  As a Lutheran this really interests me. 

Parenting/Family Nicole got up at 5:30 to take me to the hospital for my test yesterday and my brother and sister came to sit with me too.  It was a longer (8 hrs) time than we expected.  It makes you feel so much better to know there are loved ones watching over you. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     When I got home I rushed in the side door and up the two steps into the kitchen.  I could smell the hotdogs cooking.  Dad had won a hotdog cooker at some event he had been at.  Other than barbequeing  it is the only other thing I recall him cooking.  Oh except his wonderful chocolate malted milks, if you call that cooking.  Anyway, the hotdog cooker was an electric thing, the size of a shoebox with electric prongs sticking out opposite of each other.  You took the hotdog and stuck one end on the one prong and then arched it up to attach to the prong on the other side.  After loading it up with 6 or 8 hotdogs you closed the lid and waited for that metallic hot dog smell to fill the air.  They did actually taste like electricity, but Dad thought it was great and it became a regular Saturday lunch item a long with an RC cola.
Kalkaska Michigan


According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 3.17 square miles (8.21 km2), of which 3.12 square miles (8.08 km2) is land and 0.05 square miles (0.13 km2) is water.[1]
The village is situated on an expansive plateau, along with much of Northern Michigan. The Boardman River runs through the village. The primary geography of the north and east of the village proper is flat with gentle hills, with a large amount of farmland. To the south and east, it is noticeably steeper in elevation, with larger amount of water present in the form of streams, to the north a larger amount of water is present in the form of lakes.
The primary constructors of Kalkaska's geographical make-up are ancient glaciers, along with the majority of the entire state of Michigan. Glaciers scoured the surface of Michigan back during the Ice Age, creating small hills called drumlins, along with valleys and basins and the water that currently occupies them. This process is called glaciation.
Kalkaska experiences a notable amount of snowfall as it is located in a snowbelt that receives heavy amounts of lake effect snow from Lake Michigan.
Kalkaska is considered part of Northern MichiganA lot to see in Kalkaska County - we will expand.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebecca!


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