Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 2015 Arbor Day! Plant a tree!

Get Fit
Warm up and weights with Rita today.  Friday is my busiest day according to my fit bit.  These things are great for tracking you activity, calories and even sleep pattern.  Too much information?  I just use mine for the mileage.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:3-9  Praise to God for a living hope.  Even though we don't see him we believe, that's faith.  I am amazed at the joy I have in my heart for knowing my savior even though I have not seen him  with my eyes.  It's like knowing that air will be there every time you breathe in - you don't thing about it, you have faith it is there.  I thank God for my faith in Jesus Christ.

On this day;
1982 - My friend Linda moved to Texas.  She is still there.

1961 - U.S. President Kennedy accepted "sole responsibility" following Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.  sound familiar today?  It is what a president does. 

Linda and I were good friends.  She was the easiest person to get along with, enjoyed everything and experience we had - and has a good solid knowledge of who she is.  I was so very disappointed when she left but she was living the dream we both had, to see what it was like to live somewhere else.  Now, she knows.   Love ya, Linda!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

      I think little Carl was asleep in the front seat on his moms lap.  He was a sweet little boy.  And, at least he was part of their family.  Mrs. Owens just carried him around wherever she went.
Kalkaska Michigan
Grandview Golf Club
Golf Courses, Outdoor Activities   Actually this is 7 of 8 things to do.  It is a little cold today but at least it's not the bar hopping again.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandy and Dan!!

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