Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015 Monday

Get Fit;
Did Pilates today to start the day!  Make sure you drink the 8oz of water, FIRST thing when you get up in the morning.  Get your motor running.

Get Faith:
Matthew chapter 5:10-12 From the Beatitudes -  "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."  This is for those of us who are horrified at the Christians being slaughtered in Libya. Our heroes are also sainted by their service.

On this day:
1998 - Kenyan runner Moses Tanui, 32, won the Boston Marathon for the second time. He also registered the third fastest time with 2 hours 7 minutes and 34 seconds. As Christians are supposed to be non violent, I pray that God would make them as fast as this guy to get out of harm's way.

1974 - It was a Saturday and I called around looking for someone to do something with.  Nobody home, so I got in the car and started driving around.  My friend Judy was having a garage sale, so she didn't hear the phone, kept driving, couldn't find a soul anywhere.  I think I decided everyone was avoiding me and went home disappointed.  They all showed up at my house an hour later.  They had been partying and had called me a million times, with no answer and I didn't have an answering machine.  That was life before cell phones.  Now I never miss a thing.

Nothing says family love like being remembered on your birthday.  I love that Don's family always get together and celebrate each one's birthday.  It keeps them close and gives children that all important support of family love.  I'm going to help celebrate Dan's birthday tonight.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     “Mom, can we go play on the swings and stuff?” Asked Carol and joined by Cathy
    In the front of the huge movie screen was a playground with kids sliding down a huge slide, hanging off of monkey bars and flying back and forth on swings.  It was a good idea to tire them out before the show, than you could watch the movie in peace.
     “No we got here too late and you have your pajamas on, maybe the next time girls.”  Mrs. Owens said.
Kalkaska Michigan:

Lamberson's Antique and Gift Shop


You added Lamberson's Antique and Gift Shop to your Saves list  Hope they are open on Monday!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! Happy Birthday to Dan & Gregg!

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